Our church is trying to pay off the loan we took out to pay for the Family Life Center building (gym + classrooms) we built approximately five years ago. A donation was made to the church and a few weeks ago they handed out $5 to each church member. We are supposed to use our $5 "talent" and do something to multiply it and bring it back to the church to pay off the loan.
Today there was a big yard sale at the church. One lady made lovely candles, another lovely jewelry, kids baked brownies, cookies, and cupcakes, I made bags and Ivory made lemonade. There was a delicious pancake breakfast and chili + chili dog lunch.
The kids enjoying the pancake breakfast.
Yard Sale - Ivory and Micah did amazing. I planned to only have them there an hour or so, but they lasted 4 HOURS. They loved interacting with people, eating the food, watching the excitement, and taking part in it. And, of course, they especially enjoyed visiting Cassie, Bobo, and MikeMike.

I made a bunch of my L.A. Loft bags and was pleased with how many I sold and the profit made. Thanks to the generous gift of fabric, zippers, and bias tape by a sweet friend I was able to make everything at a very low cost so therefore sell them at a reasonable rate and make a large profit to give to the church.

Ivory + her daddy set up a lemonade stand. She absolutely LOVED it. She was quite the enthusiastic entrepenuer and made quite a profit. If people didn't come to her stand to buy lemonade she would track them down and deliver it. She also gave some away to some other kids--loved her generosity + enthusiasm.

Ivory's first customers--Mrs. Donna + Mr. Fred. She made the lemonade with her dad and served it all by herself.

Micah wanted in on the action, but was content to watch and wander once his sippy cup was filled with sister's lemonade. He also enjoyed playing with his wooden car + rubber band gun homemade by a man in our church and sold at a steal of a price. So cute.

Ivory supported another young entrepuener, 5-year-old Caleb, by buying a cupcake and took a hard earned break.
Later that afternoon there was a kids night to raise money for the church. Five hours of child care at five dollars a kid--a steal. There was food, games, and lots of fun. The kids had such a good time and we thoroughly enjoyed a night out. I love being a part of our church. Working, fellowshiping, sharing, and giving together was so fun today. Tomorrow we celebrate with a worship service + lunch.
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