Thursday, October 27, 2011

New Swingset + Grandparent Fun

We were graciously given a new swingset this week.  And thanks to some transporting help from guys at the church and daddy + grandaddy's skills the swingset is operational and already being greatly enjoyed by our kiddos as evidenced below.

On Monday Jason and I snuck away and left all three kids (yes, I know--so fast!) with Grandaddy, Nana, Grandma + Pa.  We enjoyed dinner + a little birthday shopping for Jason.  Thanks for the date, ya'll!

Our kids are thoroughly spoiled by now...and so is their Mom.  When Grandma + Pa leave you just might find me rocking back in forthi n a fetal position wailing in self pity.  Maybe.  Until then we'll just enjoy them and all the excitement coming this weekend with my sister's soon arrival!!!

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