Micah took an especially long nap so it took us longer to get out then originally planned so the treat of ice cream grew into ice cream and french fries...for dinner. I guess Aunt Debi doesn't fly down to our place every weekend, so we can fudge on dinner when she does.
By the end of her stay Micah was excitedly calling, "Bebe!" (Debi in MicahSpeak) He woke up hesitant every morning/nap time but warmed up with great enthusiasm within the hour.
My mom is such a beautiful and amazing woman. Love her so much.
Monday my mom, Korban + I took Aunt Debi to the airport. We snuck out a little early to enjoy some Panera before driving to the airport. Mom + I enjoyed a little shopping/girl time afterwards, too. I consider it my last escape before back to reality when my parents leave tomorrow. And I handle 3 children on my own. THREE. Three & under. One adult. I can do this...right? Say a prayer for me...well, all of us!