Hot wheels Scripture look-up competition
Ball toss / boys goofing off in their free 2 minutes before we headed to the big room for a quick game of dodgeball.
Worship rally in the gym.
Jason did an excellent job leading worship rally, once again.
I sure love this man!
5th & 6th grade girls
3rd-6th grade boys
Practicing for VBS family night where the students present the songs they've learned throughout the week and take their parents around to their classrooms to see where they've been learning and to meet their teachers.
3 of my boys
After worship rally the boys enjoyed hot dogs & ice cream then headed outside for their prize. The winning teams from my class & Jason's had two trash cans full of water balloons to pummel the other teams with for 60 seconds before they could retaliate with sponges.
The losing teams waiting as Jason explains, "Whatever happens do not move for at least 60 seconds until I yell, 'retaliate!'" I say losing, but they really all did great and tried so hard!
"WHATEVER happens???"
Bombs away!
They took it like men. Way to go, guys!
By the end the boys were SOAKED. More then a few had buckets dumped on them and one or two *might* have even ended up completely dunked in the trash can full of water....
Love this face--captures the boys enthusiasm perfectly.
Chester & Devan
Thanks to Randy & Devan for helping Jason and I fill up a ridiculous number of water balloons. The winning teams also got fat bags of candy to split. Then, my boys visited the VBS store where they loaded up on more candy using big bucks they'd earned throughout the week.
We had a great closing day of VBS and I really enjoyed the time with my boys today. I pray that more then anything else they go home remembering the power of God's Word and that it changes their lives.
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