The Kids Inc. group enjoyed an evening at the park eating pizza + playing putt putt last Wednesday night.
Micah loved everything, but especially his time with MikeMike.

Ivory reminds me so much of myself. She's not big on crowds and takes a while to warm up to a new environment where there are a lot of people. She was pretty much whiny until about 15 minutes before leaving. While I was a little annoyed, I understand. I still struggle to be brave + happy in like situations.

Love that they have each other.

Ivory tried her hand at putt putt for the first time. She actually did really well, but wasn't too into it and barely lasted two holes.

The biggest hit was the little creek of water. And why yes that is Micah sitting there with no shorts. And yes he did throw them in the creek right as I planned to redress him. Gotta love little boys.
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