I woke to this beautiful vase stuffed full with wildflowers! Jason compelled the teenagers to help him pick them on the side of the road while coming home from their disaster relief training.

I was grateful the kids were entertained so I could spend time on our fancy lunch preparations. I love a good reason to pull out the china.
Our meal wasn't anything fancy, just my favorite beef stew crock pot recipe. Something delish + simple that would be ready as soon as church was out. Also served some corn muffins on the side.
The day before I made a gluten free anniversary cake (6) + some small yellow cakes + cup cones (that icing is supposed to be orange (Micah's current favorite color). The cup cones were for Micah to take to Sunday School to celebrate his birthday with friends.

Micah + Uncle Matt

Jason enoyed his chocolate gluten free cake.

Grateful for this man who helped guard my heart + protect + provide for me until he was ready to give me away to my fine husband.

Micah also received legos from his Nana + Grandaddy.

We spent the afternoon playing games--one of my favorites.

Where we found a kite.

That obviously still worked.

6 year kiss


The kids love it when their dad digs up a crab.

Love my sweet girl.

Thank you to all who have contributed to the past six years to make them so special. Praise God for His faithfulness and blessings.
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