In the midst of my permanent roll of stewwardess to all my children's needs I stayed entertained by catching up on my Real Simple magazines (birthday gift from my dear sister), decorating magazines, and the last two books of the Hunger Games series. Such a challening, heart wrenching, and though provoking read. The kids slept some on our second day 7 hour drive. Well, the boys did. We told Ivory we wouldn't be there until she woke from her short nap. Next thing I know I look back and she's "sleeping." A few minutes later she "wakes up" and asks, "Are we there yet?" This is about an hour into the trip. This girl kills me.
The second day of driving was suprisingly smooth as well. That was the Lord answering prayers, so I really shouldn't be surprised, simply grateful.
As soon as we arrived in Indiana the kids jumped out, made themselves at home and got right to playing. Korban loved stretching out for a good long nap + Ivory + Micah loved stretching out there leges in some good running. We were excited to be greeted by Timothy, Lynne, Mr. + Mrs. Ross, and Aunt PP. I love walking through their home. I'm always amazed by the unique artwork throughout their entire home. Check out this table Mrs. Ross made from an old door. And her stain glass clock! Love it. The oldest daughter, Maggie, is such an incredible artist. Love the colors and details in this painting. My kids immediately took the farm life.
The kids enjoyed playing with Chevy, the new lab puppy They enjoyed helping Mrs. Ross move the horses. And they enjoyed looking at fish in the watering trough. There was lots of fun to be had in the playhouse + a special tea party on deck once Audrey arrived. Ivory could hardly wait to see Audrey. She has talked about Audrey every since meeting her two years ago at 23 months of age. Yes, her memory is killer. Scary for her mom + dad! Grandma + Pa were eating up all the grandkid goodness. And the kids didn't mind the attention one bit. Of course the day doubled in fun when Aunt Debi arrived with Carter + Larissa! June is Debi's biggest photography month so it was crazy timing for her to come down, but I'm so glad she made the trip to come see all of us. I hadn't seen my niece and nephew since February of 2011. How they've grown!! Lynne is such a wonderful mom. So glad to spend time with her and so appreciate all she did with my kiddos. Beautiful blue-eyed Larissa.
The grandparents just got even happier!
Story time, puzzles, cars, oh my!
Needless to say, it wasn't hard getting the kids to sleep that night. Love seeing my two oldest sleeping so sweetly next to one another--heart melt.
Don't you just adore the quilt Korban is sleeping on?! My oldest sister, Sherri, made it. I am so in love with it. We use it all the time!!
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