Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Visit with Mamaw

Last Monday Nana was planning to come visit with us and stay a night. She had been visiting with her mother (who we affectionately call Mamaw) who is suffering from Alzheimer's. She called Sunday night to say that Mamaw is getting worse, to the point of not even recognizing her at times, so she wanted to stay longer and hoped that wouldn't upset Ivory too much. Well, Jason and I discussed it, quickly called back and asked if it would be okay for us to visit them instead. So Monday, following afternoon naps, found us on the road headed to Mamaw's for fellowship and delicious Sonny's barbecue we picked up on the way, courtesy of Nana. We really enjoyed our visit with Nana & Mamaw, though unfortunately failed to take any pictures with Mamaw this trip! We did get a few, in very poor lighting, with Nana, though.

You can see how much Ivory adores her Nana. She was very fascinated with Nana's pictures on her iPhone. It was a good chance to catch up on recent photos of her cousins, Anna, Ella & Aiden. Micah wasn't quite so enthusiastic about seeing new people, but was pretty pleasant as long as Mom & Dad were nearby...and when his top tooth wasn't breaking through. Yes, it finally broke the gums during our visit. Sweet boy only fussed for a few minutes, though.

A cool God timing thing that happened is a few hours we got there Mamaw received a shutterfly photo album in the mail I made her for Mother's day.

So, she looked at all the pictures, remembering all about our family, and then saw us and remembered us and stayed with us the whole visit. How special is that? Can we say, thank you God! I love how He's all about the details.

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