This accounts for my blogging absence as we arrived home only last night.
The drive started out pleasant with some playing, a little screaming, and very little sleeping. Ivory, "Micah, wake up!"
We decided to try the scenic route this trip traveling along Hwy 98 through Panama City Beach, Destin, Ft. Walton and on through Pensacola to interstate roads. I'm so glad we did. The view was GORGEOUS. It was all we could do to not pull over and dive into the crystal clue, aqua blue, white sandy bottom, ocean. The beaches were definitely calling our name, but so was family in MS so we pressed on. However, not without a few other stops along the way. The first stop being an outdoor mall with a fantastic kids play area in Destin where Ivory quickly made friends. "Ivory, don't touch and grab the little boy, he doesn't know you. Ivory, don't put your nose on that baby's nose, we don't know that baby..."
It took her a little time and a few trips with daddy to venture to the middle.
The weather was slightly chilly that morning so only Ivory played in the water, as cold doesn't phase her in the least like it does Micah Man.
Micah wanted to dive right into the foutain.
Jason had to hold him back.
Ivory was excited about the money in the bottom of the fountain.
After about 40 minutes of playtime we dried off and loaded back in the car heading for Pensacola. We stopped at Cracker Barrel, a very kid friendly, entertaining place for a delish lunch and another break. We've discovered our kids enjoy breaks about every 2 hours. Thankfully it's only about an 8 hour trip to Grandmother's. We stopped once more at McDonald's play guessed it, about 2 hours later. Then we pushed on to our last stop before Grandmother's at IHOP where we met up with Nana & Grandaddy! I caught a little mobile video so Nana, Grandaddy, and Aunt Mel could share our pain of the last 45 minutes of our drive...
The kids walked, ran, played, outside while waiting the few minutes it took for Nana & Grandaddy to catch up with us (they left only a little before us and had 4+ hours to drive more then us...yes, they caught us by 15 mins).
Ivory laying a stick under the tree to help her climb the tree. Yes, she stepped on the stick and reached up thinking somehow that would help?
Micah practiced his walking some more at this stop and enjoyed picking up leaves and wildflowers.
Ivory was super excited to see Nana, Grandaddy & Aunt Melt arrive to eat dinner with us.
Mom & Dad were super excited to see them too...and for the back-up.
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