Friday, May 20, 2011

Five and One

5 years ago today I married my best friend. And I've never once looked back with the least bit of regret. Sorry to all you other girls out there, but I married the best man, guess you'll have to settle for second best. {wink} I am so grateful God chose to cross our paths the fall of 2003. I am a better person because of Jason Allen and I look forward to making it to 50 years and beyond. I love you, sweetheart. Thank you for being so wonderful and for continually challenging me to grow closer to the Lord with your teachings and personal example.

Yes, the wind blew at the perfect moment.

This face = extreme happiness

Sweet love.

A big thank you to Jason's parents for raising their son to be a godly man. I'm grateful for the investment you've made so that our lives can be so blessed and so we can work together to be a blessing in God's kingdom.

Mom and Dad--you're truly the best parents a girl could ask for. Sure, I remember our fights and hard times, but wow do the blessings you bestowed on us far outweigh any bad memories. You two sacrife so much for your children--we are so blessed to call you Mom and Dad. I love and appreciate you and hope to be godly parents like you.

We rode away on a jet ski. This is right about when I nearly flew off into the water. Years later from Jason, "You were riding sideways?! If I'd have known that I wouldn't have gone so fast and driven so crazy!" How else would I ride in a wedding dress??? =)

Excuse that brief laspe down memore lane...I love reminscing.

On to the next order of celebration.

1 year ago today a precious little bundle was placed in my arms. He captured my heart in an entirely new way.

I'd always heard about the special bond between mother and son. Now I feel it. He melts me like none other. And there isn't anything much sweeter then watching my two children happily interact.

Micah, we love you so very much. Your smile is continual and contagious. We love the way you happily play, stop for a moment to come give hugs and cuddles, then happily go back to playing. We love your kisses, snuggles, and squeals of delight. Your tender spirit and your joyful heart bring such delight.

We love watching you grow and pray that you will be used by God to bring many into his kingdom. May the tenderness of your heart always match the strength of your character.

I pray for purity in mind, body, and purpose. We desire to see you zealous for the Lord's glory, adventurous in pursuing his exciting plan for your life. Your joy has already blessed so many lives, may it only continue to bless many, many more.

We love you Micah Allen.

Oh, and did I mention he's walking all over the place?! It never gets old watching a baby learn to walk. Love. it.

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