Sitting with daddy during the preaching.
Ivory was VERY ready to go play by the time the service was wrapping up and the baby dedication beginning.
Even if she was a little squirmy, I'm glad we could be there as a family to dedicate Micah to the Lord. All 5 of us.
Our good friends Buddy & Betty Jo were also there with us dedicating their youngest son, Ezekiel to the Lord. Micah & Ivory love Caleb and ZekeZeke and we love their whole family so it was special to share this time with them.
Ivory was very focused...on the leaves and dirt...
Trying out some acrobatics.
Betty Jo's kids did a brilliant job showing off their excellent behavior.
Mine, well, they were very "comfortable" in front of everyone...Brother Mike: praying, Jason: stopping Micah from throwing the Bible, Lee Ann: giving Ivory some "instruction"...Glad we got the whole thing on video since it was a little bit challenging to focus...
Micah loved his Bible...but wanted to see if it threw as well as a ball.
Love our pastor. Micah was not impressed that we wouldn't let him dive into Brother Mike's arms while he was praying.
A calm moment when Ivory wasn't jumping on and off the step and Micah wasn't trying to grab Zeke's Bible (that he was trying to share with Micah) and chunk it.
Brother Mike then took a moment to honor Jason for his nine year anniversary of serving at this church. I was so proud as I stood next to my husband and heard the wonderful things Brother Mike said about him--all so true. Very, very proud wife here. Love you, baby!
The church family was very sweet about coming up after the service and thanking our family for our service. We have a very encouraging, loving church family that helps make our service here so blessed.
Post-service digging into some food.
Ivory looked so big sitting in this chair eating her food like a little growny.
It was very warm that day...Micah was getting very comfortable.
Ivory pleased to have earned her Hello Kitty cupcake with a happy plate.
Micah trying out sister's chair.
I'm excited to see how God's going to use Micah in His kingdom. We give Him to the Lord and pray He helps us as we are merely stewards of His children in this season of life. Lord, use our family to bless You.
Oh, and for die hards, here's the 10+ minute video of the baby dedication.
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