Monday, May 16, 2011

Traveling Home

The ride home was so relaxing. Ivory rode most of the trip with Nana, Grandaddy, and Aunt Mel. I slept most of that time. So good.

Sweet boy enjoying some movie time. He slept most of the ride, too.

Once we got Ivory in our car we had less then an hour to Pier Park where we stopped for a break before heading the rest of the ride home. Our little sailor girl ran and ran and ran.

Taking a short break.

Fountain fascination.

Micah, again, trying to jump in the water.

We walked to the beach where Micah enjoyed throwing sand and crawling to the water.

Ivory making footprints...and running, running, running.

Riding home Micah was tuned into Sesame streets silly songs and Ivory fell asleep...finally.

Our visit to Mississippi was amazing, but it did feel good to be home.

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