Sleepy kids on the way back from a trip to town.

My sister, Debi, got to visit Indiana with my Mom this summer and while I was very jealous, I was also very happy that she could have such fun times with the Rosserbury clan. I so appreciated the pictures posted on her blog & Lynne's blog as well as the pictures texted to me by Lynne & my Mom.
Early morning play time: Timothy (2), Carter (2), Larissa (14 months).

Larissa & Carter

Grandma Beth with Timothy & Shiloh (her sweet grandbabies)

Micah & Ivory playing outside on Ivory's 3rd birthday.

My little girl turns 3. Happy/Sad. She keeps asking me, "Mommy, am I still 3?"

Running some energy off at the park before visting Mamaw & Nana for Mamaw's birthday last Friday. We drove over to see them while Daddy & Grandaddy drove to Alabama to help Aunt Mel move in to her new place.

Ivory proudly displaying her "treasures" (sticks)!

Of course Micah had to find some of his own "treasures", as well.

Micah & Grandaddy fell asleep before church Sunday morning.

Micah reached over to hold my hand while driving back from lunch. *heart melt*

Riding home from lunch.

Micah woke up at 6am (usually wakes closer to 7:30) then had no morning nap. Fell asleep for about 10 minutes in the car. His little "power nap" then kept him from taking a normal 3-4 hour afternoon nap. Instead he cried, keeping sister awake, who then thought it'd be fun to "play scream" back and for through the walls. So much for nap time. All this company is just too exciting for sleep!
Our little energizer bunny standing in his crib playing rather then sleeping.

*crossing fingers* Maybe the children will take a normal nap together today...
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