My kids are spoiled with 2 sets of grandparents who get down on the floor and play with them.
Ivory especially enjoyed being the big bad wolf and blowing Grandaddy's card houses down. Ivory, "I'm big, I'm bad! I'm big, I'm bad! That's what the big bad wolf say on Wonder Pets."
Love watching our kids interact with their grandaprents.
Sadly, Grandaddy had to leave Sunday after church so he could return for work on Monday. But, the kids were ecited to hear that Nana would be arriving Monday morning! While I know Grandaddy & Nana were sad to miss each other, we enjoyed seeing them however we could. Squeezed between their visits was a Sunday evening service with a business meeting...Cassie and I ducked out with the kiddos for that part of the service taking with us Ivory & Micah's friends Zeke & Caleb. I was pleased with how well Ivory shared her toys that night. She also sweetly offered her guests drinks & snacks.
Monday Nana arrived and Ivory quickly became addicted to Nana's cake making/decorating i-phone app. It is a pretty amazing app for all you i-phone owners out there.
Micah chilled with Mommy for a little watching Sesame Street songs (Elmo had four ducks is his favorite, he quacks for it) while Ivory hung with Nana.
Enjoyed my little man snuggles!
Gotta love us some technology.
Today we enjoyed more play time with Nana before she has to leave bright and early in the morning for her job. A big thank you to Nana for taking us all to lunch at Beef O' Brady's today! It's always a treat to go out to eat especially with family. So glad Nana & Grandaddy could come visit!
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