After dealing with sickness in both families Ivory finally got to see her Cassie after nearly 2 weeks! Of course, she ate every moment of it up. I know this picture is blurry, but gotta love Cassie's face.
In their "fort." I love that Ivory thinks a fort is simply a blanket draped over you. So easy. So fun.
I love these girls.
After my second trip to the doctor, 2 more shots, and another round of meds I'm actually feeling human again. Praise God! Jason went through his first night in a week last night with NO COUGHING fits that last for an hour and keep us all awake. Praise God! Ivory is better. Micah has only slight drainage and a baby cough. Daddy is...well, he's holding his own. I'm trying not to get in between the marital debate about whether a doctor's visit is in store for him...
I'm crossing my fingers for a date night soon with my husband when we can actually enjoy each other's presence in a quiet, kid free zone with no sickness!
Absolutely LOVE having my parents here. Can't they just move here already?! My mom has been more then amazing cooking meals every night (except the two when my sweet friends brought dinner! I seriously have the BEST friends EVER) and making freshly baked bread with my new grain mill that grinds wheat! Will have to post on that soon. Very exciting!
I'm afraid my parents have to sneak home soon for doctors appointments and home duties. But, I'm not crying TOO hard because...they're COMING BACK!! Jason and I will be heading to a FREE youth leader conference soon and Mom & Dad, being their gracious selves, are coming back to watch the kids so we don't have to drive the kids to them. I know. You wish you had parents as amazing as mine. I'm so glad the kids will be able to have their own home, own beds, and similar routine--it will ease the pain of mommy & daddy leaving. I get teary-eyed just thinking of leaving my babies for 3 nights! I nearly crawled in bed with Ivory the other night and slept with her until morning thinking about having to leave her. I'm pitiful, I know. But they're my babies. Oh I heart them. On a more positive note, Jason and I are excited about our little get away and the conference includes free tickets to Universal. Yes, awesome. Did I mention the conference is FREE? I personally love FREE. I'm also pretty stoked that our 6 hour drive will not include screaming children. My neck + nerves will especially appreciate it. We're actually going to enjoy a long Sesame Street + ABCs free drive. Wow. Big moment.
My littles bug has been awake since 6:30 this morning. But, I forgive him because he's so stinkin' cute. And check out his newest antics this morning:
And yes, he did this "All by self!"
Now I better run because I hear my little girl awakening...going to get ready for an overdue trip to the donut shop!
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