Micah and Daddy play time
Ivory and Micah before bed
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Visit with Grandparents
Grandaddy (Jason's dad) + Mamaw (Jason's grandma, his mom's mom).

Nana (Jason's mom), Matthew (Jason's brother), Jason.

Mini Jason. Jason's mom says, "That's Jason!" =)

Rocks, leaves, acorns...so fun. Who needs toys? I told Ivory to pack a few of her favorite toys in her princess tin purse to take with her. The tin contained: plastic disposable cup, 2 scoops, a scrap of pink stretchy fabric. And she was happier with that selection then any toys I've ever packed for her. Love this girl.

Micah getting some Mamaw loving. Love that my children have 2 godly great grandmas. So special.

Ivory & Grandaddy taking a picture of mommy taking a picture.

Jason's parents were returning from Mississippi and heading home so we met up at Mamaw's to see them for a few hours. We were so glad to see them, even if it was a short visit. Hoping they'll coming visit us soon for a little bit longer stay!

Nana (Jason's mom), Matthew (Jason's brother), Jason.

Mini Jason. Jason's mom says, "That's Jason!" =)

Rocks, leaves, acorns...so fun. Who needs toys? I told Ivory to pack a few of her favorite toys in her princess tin purse to take with her. The tin contained: plastic disposable cup, 2 scoops, a scrap of pink stretchy fabric. And she was happier with that selection then any toys I've ever packed for her. Love this girl.

Micah getting some Mamaw loving. Love that my children have 2 godly great grandmas. So special.

Ivory & Grandaddy taking a picture of mommy taking a picture.

Jason's parents were returning from Mississippi and heading home so we met up at Mamaw's to see them for a few hours. We were so glad to see them, even if it was a short visit. Hoping they'll coming visit us soon for a little bit longer stay!
Monday, February 21, 2011
What's on Your Phone?
Excited about something...

Taken for Addie's mommy to assure her Addie was doing great! I know I love getting text pics/videos of my kids when I'm away from them.

Ivory & Micah on our grocery trip last Thursday. They were both little angels. SO sweet and well behaved. Made this momma proud. And all this while Micah had a terrible ear infection. He's such a sweet boy.

They held hands most of the ride.

Sometimes I'd look over and Micah would be resting his little hand on Ivory's leg. Ivory fed him some of her cereal sample. Such a big helper and so sweet to share.

Ivory making me a pizza...a sand pizza.

Ivory singing Sunday afternoon.
Sunday morning Brother Mike was talking about how incredible the moon is (which Ivory loved since she adores the moon) and he said, "I mean, how GREAT is our GOD!" Ivory got so excited up in the balcony and started quietly singing it to daddy and mommy. She *loves* that song.
Ivory goes around the house singing all the time now. I. love. it.
Pictures like this from my northern friends make me especially grateful for our barefoot, sunshine weather.

A close-up of the cutie in the wagon, Timothy.

More pictures of Aunt Mel's INCREDIBLE cakes.

Special Agent Oso

Taken for Addie's mommy to assure her Addie was doing great! I know I love getting text pics/videos of my kids when I'm away from them.

Ivory & Micah on our grocery trip last Thursday. They were both little angels. SO sweet and well behaved. Made this momma proud. And all this while Micah had a terrible ear infection. He's such a sweet boy.

They held hands most of the ride.

Sometimes I'd look over and Micah would be resting his little hand on Ivory's leg. Ivory fed him some of her cereal sample. Such a big helper and so sweet to share.

Ivory making me a pizza...a sand pizza.

Ivory singing Sunday afternoon.
Sunday morning Brother Mike was talking about how incredible the moon is (which Ivory loved since she adores the moon) and he said, "I mean, how GREAT is our GOD!" Ivory got so excited up in the balcony and started quietly singing it to daddy and mommy. She *loves* that song.
Ivory goes around the house singing all the time now. I. love. it.
Pictures like this from my northern friends make me especially grateful for our barefoot, sunshine weather.

A close-up of the cutie in the wagon, Timothy.

More pictures of Aunt Mel's INCREDIBLE cakes.

Special Agent Oso

Sunday, February 20, 2011
Everyday Happenings
Such a good eater.

Who knew rice could be so much fun?

Especially when daddy hides things in it while you close your eyes and don't peek then you get to dig with your business card for them. Exciting, no?

Climbed up "all by self!" And so proud of himself.

Poor guy has a yucky cough, runny nose & ear infection. =( You'd never know he's sick from his demeanor, though. Still so sweet and happy.

Ivory & I did some more tree decorating.

It's her "Christmas tree." I'm not sure she's ever gotten over us burning our Christmas tree.

I turned my back for a few moments and Micah stole that opportunity to taste test the flowers...
Who knew rice could be so much fun?
Especially when daddy hides things in it while you close your eyes and don't peek then you get to dig with your business card for them. Exciting, no?
Climbed up "all by self!" And so proud of himself.
Poor guy has a yucky cough, runny nose & ear infection. =( You'd never know he's sick from his demeanor, though. Still so sweet and happy.
Ivory & I did some more tree decorating.
It's her "Christmas tree." I'm not sure she's ever gotten over us burning our Christmas tree.
I turned my back for a few moments and Micah stole that opportunity to taste test the flowers...
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Baby Shower
My PINK team threw a baby shower for the Crisis Pregnancy Center Wednesday night.
Practicing our skit for the program.
The video is long; I'm mainly posting it for my teens.
The students are each reading true stories about people's experiences with abortion. The stories include the remarkable stories of Gianna Jessen, Tim Tebow, Amy Charlton, and Bobby Conner. Three of these survived abortions and one was born miraculously healthy when doctors had suggested abortion due to severe physical deformities. The skit also included three anonymous stories about women who had abortions and how miserable their lives were following. One was a mom who raised her grandson after her daughter died during an abortion. Another story about a young college girl's struggle to live after aborting her baby. The final story is about a mom of 4 who turned to just about everything else to find comfort following the abortions of her 5th & 6th children and finally found hope in Christ. We concluded with this message from God's Word:
"I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.
-John 10:9-11
“I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants,”
-Deuteronomy 30:19
Jesus offers life and forgiveness to ALL. There is no sin too great that Jesus won’t forgive. He offers hope to the hopeless, rest for the weary, and healing for the brokenhearted. Come to him and choose LIFE.
Then the students watched a movie detailing a child's development within the womb. Jason shared some awesome facts, like the fact that at the moment of conception all of your dna is present that will shape you into the physical person you grow to become. Yes, from conception. In some cultures they count age from conception, not birth. Then Jason shared with the students that the God who designed all of this values life. He values souls. He read from John 3 where Jesus tells Nicodemus he must be born again--born of the spirit. Christ is hope. He is life.
We played Indescribable and a slideshow of babies, prego bellies, and families while Cassie read Psalm 139. A celebration of life.
The PINK team worked hard.
Lots of baby gifts for the Crisis Pregnancy Center.
Great message taught.
These precious words never grow old:
O LORD, You have searched me and known me.
You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
You understand my thought from afar.
You scrutinize my path and my lying down,
And are intimately acquainted with all my ways.
Even before there is a word on my tongue,
Behold, O LORD, You know it all.
You have enclosed me behind and before,
And laid Your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
It is too high, I cannot attain to it.
Where can I go from Your Spirit?
Or where can I flee from Your presence?
If I ascend to heaven, You are there;
If I make my bed in Sheol [the grave], behold, You are there.
If I take the wings of the dawn,
If I dwell in the remotest part of the sea,
Even there Your hand will lead me,
And Your right hand will lay hold of me.
If I say, "Surely the darkness will overwhelm me,
And the light around me will be night,"
Even the darkness is not dark to You,
And the night is as bright as the day
Darkness and light are alike to You.
For You formed my inward parts;
You wove me in my mother's womb.
I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Wonderful are Your works,
And my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth;
Your eyes have seen my unformed substance;
And in Your book were all written
The days that were ordained for me,
When as yet there was not one of them.
How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand
When I awake, I am still with You.
Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me and know my anxious thoughts;
And see if there be any hurtful way in me,
And lead me in the everlasting way.
--Psalm 139
Friday, February 18, 2011
Playtime with Friends
Tuesday night our house looked like this:

The kids were SO good. Moms, you should be proud.

We had so much fun.

Throughout the day Ivory will randomly spout off "Zekeisms." "Zeke Zeke says, (nonsense words of some kind)..."

Micah Man was in awe of all the big kids and loved their attention. We kept him in this most of the night for his own safety.

The other day I called Micah a baby and Ivory replied, "He's not a BABY, he's Micah Man!"

Addie was wide-eyed most of the night. Ivory & Caleb's rambunctious behavior could leave anyone wide-eyed...
Addie was very polite and sweet, showing off her good manners.

Addie was Jason's buddy. She asked him to sit next to her.

The girls had craft time with Jason.

Addie enjoyed posing for the camera more then crafting.

But, she did glue some shapes Jason cut out onto a paper all by herself. Don't worry, Mom, she didn't use any scissors.

I thought 5 kids would be super crazy, but really, they played by themselves really well with only slight intervention. It was lots of fun and we look forward to having them again.
The kids were SO good. Moms, you should be proud.
We had so much fun.
Throughout the day Ivory will randomly spout off "Zekeisms." "Zeke Zeke says, (nonsense words of some kind)..."
Micah Man was in awe of all the big kids and loved their attention. We kept him in this most of the night for his own safety.
The other day I called Micah a baby and Ivory replied, "He's not a BABY, he's Micah Man!"
Addie was wide-eyed most of the night. Ivory & Caleb's rambunctious behavior could leave anyone wide-eyed...
Addie was very polite and sweet, showing off her good manners.
Addie was Jason's buddy. She asked him to sit next to her.
The girls had craft time with Jason.
Addie enjoyed posing for the camera more then crafting.
But, she did glue some shapes Jason cut out onto a paper all by herself. Don't worry, Mom, she didn't use any scissors.
I thought 5 kids would be super crazy, but really, they played by themselves really well with only slight intervention. It was lots of fun and we look forward to having them again.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
New Hat
Okay, so I'm not above begging. I'm begging you to pray for my family. Micah seemed to be getting better, but as of Saturday regressed. Calling the pediatrician for Micah. Jason's cough has come back and he's not been sleeping well at night. He's been on meds for 9 days. He should be getting better, not worse. Calling the doctor for Jason. I was better for a week and now congestion has returned. So tired. DO NOT WANT TO GO THROUGH THIS AGAIN.
So, yes, I'm begging.
Please pray for us.
I'm not ready to be quarantined and miserable again. Well, gotta run, Ivory's just woken up crying and coughing...better go get her. Micah's coughing, crying, and crawling trying to get to his sister...he does that now. Cries as he crawls to her door when he hears her wake up in the morning. So cute.
So, yes, I'm begging.
Please pray for us.
I'm not ready to be quarantined and miserable again. Well, gotta run, Ivory's just woken up crying and coughing...better go get her. Micah's coughing, crying, and crawling trying to get to his sister...he does that now. Cries as he crawls to her door when he hears her wake up in the morning. So cute.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Valentines Visits
We had a little Valentine's fun this year.

I made some little cloth bags, filled them with a little chocolate (sugar free life savor mints for the diabetic) and lots of love.

And we delivered them to some of the sweet people in our lives who have been a tremendous blessing to our family and many others.

I wish we could have visited so many more, because we are truly blessed by so many, many thoughtful, generous people, but we were only able to make a few visits, even less then originally planned due to Micah's recent regression (cough & congestion is back). Ivory *loved* delivering Valentine's to each door and telling Daddy about each visit. Definitely want to do this again next year.
On one of our visits Ivory received a lollipop, another some flowers from Mrs. Feral's tree. Ivory was delighted.

The kids, of course, received their fair share of Valentime gifts. Between biological and adoptive grandparents my kids will never escape spoiling--or lots of love.

For Ivory (she's all about the princesses right now, particularly Princess Aurora--Sleeping Beauty):

The girl also now has a big enough store of sugar to last her the rest of the year!
The kids had some Cassie time, which is a Valentine gift in itself.

I came in from my morning walk to this:

Yes, my husband is amazing. And brave. Paint with an 8-month-old? And Micah + the house were not covered in paint. Ivory cut out the heart on the lines + painted it like the big girl that she's fast becoming. They both loved it. Almost as much as I did. And did I mention my husband found me a homemade, delicious smelling candle? Yes, he's that thoughtful + creative.
I pray that you were blessed on Valentine's Day and that you sought to be a blessing. Most of all, I pray you were reminded of the one who loves you more then anything else and sent His only Son into the world to die so we might live.
"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love." --1 John 4:7-8
I made some little cloth bags, filled them with a little chocolate (sugar free life savor mints for the diabetic) and lots of love.

And we delivered them to some of the sweet people in our lives who have been a tremendous blessing to our family and many others.

I wish we could have visited so many more, because we are truly blessed by so many, many thoughtful, generous people, but we were only able to make a few visits, even less then originally planned due to Micah's recent regression (cough & congestion is back). Ivory *loved* delivering Valentine's to each door and telling Daddy about each visit. Definitely want to do this again next year.
On one of our visits Ivory received a lollipop, another some flowers from Mrs. Feral's tree. Ivory was delighted.
The kids, of course, received their fair share of Valentime gifts. Between biological and adoptive grandparents my kids will never escape spoiling--or lots of love.
For Ivory (she's all about the princesses right now, particularly Princess Aurora--Sleeping Beauty):
The girl also now has a big enough store of sugar to last her the rest of the year!
The kids had some Cassie time, which is a Valentine gift in itself.
I came in from my morning walk to this:

Yes, my husband is amazing. And brave. Paint with an 8-month-old? And Micah + the house were not covered in paint. Ivory cut out the heart on the lines + painted it like the big girl that she's fast becoming. They both loved it. Almost as much as I did. And did I mention my husband found me a homemade, delicious smelling candle? Yes, he's that thoughtful + creative.
I pray that you were blessed on Valentine's Day and that you sought to be a blessing. Most of all, I pray you were reminded of the one who loves you more then anything else and sent His only Son into the world to die so we might live.
"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love." --1 John 4:7-8
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