I pray that our kids will always have a strong sense of family and that they will always love and cherish their siblings. This is a difficult season for this as Ivory is maturing so rapidly and Micah is fast approaching the terrible twos. While Ivory becomes more content to play alone, create, and use her imagination, Micah becomes increasingly needy for attention, enjoys demanding his rights, yelling no, and hitting every one + every thing that crosses his path. This proves to be especially challenging for sibling harmony, but not impossible. I love how quick Micah is to apologize and Ivory to forgive. When they hug and make up my heart swells.

I would never claim to be an expert in creating sibling harmony, however I know the Prince of Peace and pray that He will guide our home in His love and peace.

My mom always said that most friends will come and go but siblings stay. This has been so true for me and I'm so grateful for the friendship I have with my siblings. I desire this same blessing for my children.

So, while we're striving for this we'll keep breaking up fights and promoting love...for as long as it takes.

It won't be long before monkey-see-monkey-do will triple itself in our home.

all photos by debra eby photography
Take your time sweet Korban, don't grow up too fast sweet baby boy.
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