Micah was awfully happy to see daddy. When Pa mentioned we'd be going home to see daddy he lit up and was so excited thinking he'd be seeing dad right then. So sweet.

Shortly after our arrival home we thought Korban felt feverish. We checked his temperature and it was 102. On top of that he had been extra fussy, had a stuffy nose, and that morning developed a little cough. All of those symptoms coupled with his previous ear infection (only a month ago) I thought for sure he was getting an ear infection. So, off we rushed to the doctor for a quick visit before the weekend. He was (miraculously) a little angel and slept most of the hour drive there and back even though he'd already spent all day in the car.
And, of course, once we got there he acted calm and happy as if nothing was wrong. Sure enough, false alarm. The doctor said that apparently teething can mimic cold-like symptoms and he had me feel his bottom gums saying his teeth were right there about to break through. Next morning we woke up with a happy baby and two teeth!

I'm grateful for a doctor's office that fit us in super last minute, as in last appointment of the day right before the weekend.

Korban is grateful, too. And boy was it nice to come home and use the bouncer. Until he pushed his legs up so much that he tipped it backwards and bonked his sweet little head on the floor. No more bouncer for this squirmer.

The kids are back to swashbuckling sword fights with daddy.

And Micah is back to making messes and then begging to "weep" them up. "Mess! Mess!" They distress him. Our little Monk.

And dad is back to drawing beatiful artwork for his little girl. =)

Did I mention how happy mom is to be reunited with her sweetheart? So glad to be back in his strong arms.
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