Saturday evening we had a picnic dinner and read the story of Jesus' trial and crucifixion. It was a precious time with our children, especially Ivory. While Mom was reading the story she kept tearing up and Ivory kept saying, "It's okay Mom, Jesus had to so we could ask Jesus in our heart!" So precious. She asked such sweet questions and had such insightful comments. One of those special times we'll always treasure. When asked why we ask Jesus in our hearts she replies, "So we can worship Jesus!" Wow. Great answer.
Sunday morning the kids woke up to an empty "cave" with only a "linen cloth" at the "burial site." We told them the rest of the story where Jesus rose from the dead!

Daddy also placed beads + cord to maek a salvation bracelet + 3 nails. Ivory guessed most of the beads and their meanings. Has someone done this with her already??

Micah was very excited about his nails. They wanted to take their treasures to Sunday school and show them off. Ya, I know, there might be some uproar when they finally realize other kids actually get CANDY on Easter...
While I don't feel the need to "compete" with society, I do want them to realize, in their childlike understanding, how exciting Resurrection Sunday is. So, we're working on a plan for next year to make it even more exciting and memorable.
I'm a sucker for the traditional Easter fancy duds. While I know that's totally not what the morning's about, I love it all the same. The kids look so stinkin' *cute* in their poofy, frilly, fancy dresses + adorable ties, bowties, and khakis. Love. it.

The kids already had fancy unworn clothing in their wardrobes but Mommy + Korban were treated to some new clothes. Can we say Baby GAP sale? Extra 25% of clearance? Yes, thank you!

Ivory + Micah wanted to pick white flowers to bring to their beloved Sunday School teacher, Cassie.

Daddy tells the kids every Sunday, "This is my favorite part of Sunday School! Walking my kids to their Sunday School class." Mine too.

Family pictures (at least a good one) is night impossible following the morning service. My kids jsut want to run, eat food, and nap.
Oh well, you get the general idea.

So grateful that we can freely celebrate the resurrection of Christ with our church family. Thinking about those who made great sacrifices to do the same around the world. Reminded of their courage and bravery. Challenged to be more courageous and dedicated.
*love the kids outfits!!! korban look esp. cute!
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