On Thursday we enjoyed gorgeous weather at the beach. The beauty of the beach never grows old.

Bobo + Ivory + MikeMike + Micah + Jason

Sister lovin'

Ivory was fearless in the freezing cold water + waves.

Korban wasn't too sure about his visit to the beach, but he enjoyed it pretty well as long as mom stayed close.
The sun was awfully bright so our littlest man spent lots of time shade side.

Michael thoroughly enjoyed his first visit to the beach.
After spending a little time warming up to the freezing cold water he crawled right on in unphased by the waves lapping in his face.

Korban -- our sweet little boy.

After a gorgeous day at the beach we came home for naps. We were woken up by a CRAZY hail storm. This picture doesn't even come close to capturing the hail that blanketed the ground. It went from 80 to 65 in minutes. But, it still wasn't cold enough to keep the hail from quickly melting. I was nervously on the lookout for tornadoes, but gratefully we were spared any danger. And the kids got to see hail for the first time!

After our freak storm we went to Bobo's house for a delicious fish fry.

I always need a large salad to settle the grease at a fish fry. So, that was my (super easy) contribution. Love romaine lettuce with fresh strawberries, grapes + blueberries. It's made perfect with poppyseed dressing, but unfortunately our local store doesn't carry that so rasberry viniagrette had to do.

Michael loves looking out windows.

Korban loves the thick carpet, toys + fun at Bobo's house.

Micah had a good time chatting it up on Michael's phone while Ivory took Mrs. Thelma + Mr. George on a looooong walk and splashing in mud puddles as daddy + the teens skim boarded in the church yard.

Cassie didn't think Michael should be nakey (but who doesn't want to see all that adorable baby chub?!) so decided to clothe him.

Grandma snuggles are the best -- Korban enjoying some love from Mrs. Sandie + Bobo rocked her grandbaby to sleep.

The food was delish but the fellowship even better. We will be so sad to see Nina + Micahel go. =( Come back soon--Texas is too far away!
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