We did go ahead and head to Richmond for our little trip. We found some good deals and then enjoyed lunch at Chipotle. It was my first Chipotle experience and I must say it was a great one! The boys did great and we enjoyed a visit to Maggie + Marc's apartment. So adorable + well organized. I felt so priviliged to pick out a few pieces of Maggie's *amazing* artwork to hang in my home! I'm SO SUPER excited to hang it and post the pictures. I already have a drawing hanging in my room that she did for Jason + I when we married. I cherish that picture. I love how we have pieces of the Ross' artwork all throughout our home. We are blessed with many beautiful handmade gifts. Love it.
The Ross home from the backside. So many good summer memories of this place. We visited Indiana every summer from the time I was a little girl until late in my teen years. I just love that my kids are able to have as much fun here as we did growing up.
If I'm in the other room when this scene comes on Micah will come and get me and lead me by the hand to the living room so I can laugh with him. So funny.
Love how Micah tries to include Carter in the fun and Carter simply wants to watch the movie.
Micah and Larissa would have a blast together if we only lived closer.
Grandma + Korban
Later that afternoon Audrey took Ivory for a horseback ride.

Mr. Ross = Papaw

Indoor cousin play--absolutely loved watching the cousins play together this trip!

Lynne + beautiful Rissa

Hated having to say goodbye to that sweet girl and her family. They had to leave the next morning to head back up to Canada. Why does Canada have to be so far away?!
Night time wind-down.

My kids always fell alseep quickly each night and slept well after such hard days of play.
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