On our last full day in Indiana my boys woke bright and early. So I piled them in my bed while I tried to quickly dress + begin the packing process. When they wake me that early it's good they're so darn cute. Micah + Ivory were always happy to play while mommy got ready...but Korban, well the picture of him crying on the floor pretty much sums up how he felt about that option. Lynne is an incredible hostess. She had a personalized sign set out to welcome us to our room. They moved Timothy into their room so we could have two rooms (made for so much more sleep!), bought special snacks she knew the kids would like, and fixed breakfast for us in the mornings. While I packed she entertained all three of my kiddos. Ya, she's pretty much a rockstar mom/aunt. Here she's teaching Ivory how to play Uno. Ivory caught on quick and one the first game--she was so excited. We were all so worn out that we alternately napped + lounged by the pool + I spent some time packing. Poor Tim was so worn out from his sickness + the hard week of play that he fell asleep on the floor of the living room in the midst of playing + squealing + chatter. So pitiful. Love that he fell asleep with his hand on his beloved Mack truck.
After spending most of the day relaxing + recovering we headed to the Ross home for one last dinner.
Tim was back to his busy self by evening.
So many fun memories with the Ross girls in hammocks. We loved pretending like the hammock was our covered back wagon and we were the family from Little House on The Prairie.
Ben enjoying some Korban love. He was happy...and then he saw Mom.
Father + Son man fun
Mrs. Ross always has beautiful flower gardens and they always have a lot of projects going. Like building a new deck.
The kids love the slide coming off the deck. So fun. y On our last day Ivory enjoyed her own little game of sliding down,
Then walking around to the steps singing away to herself.
I love it when she entertains herself like that and sings about whatever comes to her mind at the moment.
Where Ivory goes Micah must follow.
We were glad to have some time with Grandma Pflum, Gom Gom's mom. Ivory + her best friend Audrey
We love Aunt PP!
Such a wonderful visit. So fun. I'm so grateful for this friendship of 25+ years. They truly are like family to us. These are my sisters. Thanks Ross family for such an amazing visit. We love ya'll and look forward to next summer!
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