Anniversary orchids from my sweetheart!

Ivory's figures that if mismatched socks are fashionable then mismatched shoes must be, too.

Korban, Micah, + Mommy simply *adore* this throw quilt my sister Sherri surprised us with. It matches my room + new pillow perfectly. LOVE it.

Baby Korban is growing too big too fast!

Baby steps with daddy.

We we enjoyed beach trip with Nina + family. Micah is just so in love with Michael. It's precious.

Writing with daddy. Micah loves counting + learning.

Bath tub boys!

Date with Pa. This girl has her Pa wrapped.

Ivory took some pictures to send to her Uncle Matt. Herself +

Blue blankie.

Porch driving. Love when they use their imagination on their own.

Lynne + Tim--how we miss them!

Ivory wanted to send a flower to Jeena. When she was told the flower wouldn't last throught the mail she she wanted to take a picture to send to her. Such a cutie.

Ivory's refashioned look...scarf turned sash + headband turned belt.

Daddy + Micah

Subway date with Pa. Micah wanted to make sure McQueen + his friend enjoyed some pizza + cheetos.

Mommy + sweet sleeping baby.

Korban grows cuter daily.

Nina sent us pictures of Michael growing bigger eating cheerios + drinking from a big boy cup!

Ivory requested that her hair be fixed in little braids + bows all over. She was extremely happy with the results.

Micah man -- love that little smile.

Rainy day goodbye to Uncle Matt.

Rain dance!

Love our little family.

Micah wanted this locust to ride on his tractor.

Korban enjoying McQueen + balls.

Korban enjoying the touchpad peek-a-boo game.

Micahel + Nina sending us love!

Ivory doing an impersonation of the British agent on Cars 2:
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