The Saturday following Thanksgiving we went to a tree farm to cut down a Christmas tree for the first time.
Ivory wasn't too sure about all the walking...
But the walking was better in new tennis shoes from Nana + Aunt Mel.
After walking all three sections we finally decided on one, walked back to the truck and rode to the spot to cut it down! The kids were excited to take a short ride in the back of the pick-up for the first time.
The tree we chose in the last section. It took a lot of Bennetts to cut down the tree...
In the end Ivory's muscles fell the tree...well, Daddy may have helped a little.
My studly man.
And it took a lot of Bennetts to drag the tree. The tree farm owner earned major points by handing out candy canes for all! How our backseat looks these days...yes, we're saving up for a mini van very soon!
My men putting light on the tree. Nana + Grandaddy helped entertain the kids with games, cookies (made by Ivory + Aunt Mel), and snuggles until the lights went up on the tree.
Ivory + Micah were SO excited to look through the ornaments, especially Ivory. Micah just wanted any ornament that looked like a ball. I handed him a ball ornament to hang and before I could blink, yes, you guess it, he threw it. Shatter. Ornament fail. Oh well! One less ornament to break!
Micah did eventually hang a few ornaments on the tree. Ivory adores hanging ornaments on the tree...and taking them off...and putting them back on. Trimming a tree to look gorgeous is totally not my speciality. But, ours is homey, special and full of special memories and I like it that way. Re-purposed wreath...simple, clean lines. Nothing fancy. I sort of re-did it on a whim with a few twist ties and ribbon I had on a reel. It was one of those fluffy green wreathes that had seen better days. So, I just bent the green down and wrapped it tightly with ribbon then tied the bow. Not gorgeous, but it works and much better then the previous wreath. Love setting up our first Nativity set Jason's mom bought us last year for christmas! It's a gorgeous set--I love it. I had been waiting to buy one for us until I found a set I just loved. Well, I never did find one--it found me! I'm so pleased with this set. The large angels on either end are from a previous Christmas and we love them, too! The pictures are Ivory + Micah's from Sunday School. Love seeing what they bring home from church classes! They have such good teachers and the kids love going so much.
Ivory + Micah were excited to pull out their play nativity set Grandma + Pa bought for them last year. Thanksgiving wouldn't feel the same to me without a college student writing a paper (shout out to Rachel T!). Matthew spent many hours working on his paper on Christian doctrine. Deep stuff. Melissa was very helpful in the kitchen + with the kids...also at being a little goofy. Dad worked hard on some outdoor projects + keeping Korban happy. Nana was a big hit with her i phone apps, hair clips, and hugs. She was also a big help with the kids + in the kitchen. I'm blessed to have a family full of sweet, servant-hearted people.
Love having our Christmas decorations out so early! Something that staying home instead of traveling this year has allowed.
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