Loved how our Christmas program this year was one big production including 1-year-olds on up to...well, we won't name the oldest on stage.
During the dress rehearsal Mary posed with baby Jesus Korban. He wasn't really in the play, just posed for a picture. Tried to get a cute shot with all the kids, between the lighting and Micah's excitement the picture is killer... Gotta love realistic photos...He'll love me for it one day...or not.
Ivory + Micah with some friends before the dress rehearsal.
Preschoolers practicing at the dress rehearsal.
You'll notice the progression of my kids costumes...
Micah is disinterested in the stage...until they bring out the jingle bells!
The blurs = ringing bells Little Cows. Have you noticed the number of photos I have with my kids in this pose and Micah crying? Pitiful. Costumes now include ears + cuffs. Our choir. So many precious people in one place. Preschoolers waiting to go on stage for the real thing. Love that sweet little girl waving at her momma. Have I mentioned my kids have the *best* teachers. Love them. Ivory is sittng next to Mrs. Michelle--she saved my neck during the invitation when I had all three kids in the second row and they were being "those kids." Micah squealing and trying to run away. Ivory squriming and rebeling. Korban crying. I turn around and notice Michelle and pass him back to Mrs. Michelle. Thank you! Oh, and Betty Jo offered earlier (when the kids weren't quite as crazy), but she had her own baby on her lap. I guess she figured their 2 to 3 ratio was better then my 1 to 3 at the time. Have I mentioned how great my church family is? Jingle Bells
My little cow.
Sheep, cows, pigs, rooster, angels, shepherd--adorable. And yes, that's Mciah on the far end. Adorable + tiny. Shepherds listening to the angels sing. Mrs. Robin, our children's leader, is pretty much amazing. Inn keeper + Mary + Joseph Mariah singing a solo so beautifully. Her Mom is the second from the left. Wish you could have seen her face, almost in tears. Love it. Wise Men kneeling before Jesus...a little early. =)
Beautiful program. I pray God was honored.
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