I should probably begin this post by reminding the reader that pictures can be oh so beautifully deceiving. While the pictures may look quaint and the children peaceful, this would not be the most accurate depiction of our Christmas Eve day. By the time Christmas Eve came to a close we were more then a little exhausted, our patience abundantly tested, and the "not a creature was stirring not even a mouse" part completely welcomed post-bedtime for little ones. I'm glad we spent the day as a family, but I'm not gonna lie, it would have been easier if the children acted like they felt the same way.
Our own little precious Christmas baby. This one was pretty sweet most of the day and needed minimal attention and a few snuggles.

A moment of peace and sweetness.

Christmas Eve present. We have a tradition of opening one present on Christmas Eve--a book about the Christmas story.

So here is a quaint photo of our family tradition...perhaps the only quiet moment in the entire process. It's better we got a picture than a video...

Thankfully the Christmas Eve service was beautiful and the kids were *relatively* well behaved. Though, Christina and I agree that we probably win the award for the loudest row (Michael + my three). Once we settled the kids in bed Jason and I enjoyed a peaceful Christmas Eve together.
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