Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pink Toes

Ivory was very excited about matching pink toes with mommy.  Her cuteness, excitement, exuberance and slight begging even convinced Mom to paint her fingers, too.  It was one of those moments when I was really glad I stopped and spent those extra 15 minutes with my daughter.  It was  a precious evening with lots of cute talks and prayers.  Prayers including gratefulness for MikeMike, Bobo, Cassie, Nina, Meme, Poppa, pee-pee (Mom, I prayed for pee-pee!  Mom, "yes, pee-pee is good."  Ivory, "Poo-poo is good too!  Thank you God for poo-poo.") and then poo-poo.  How can God not smile when he hears those prayers?  She then continued to go in and out with intelligible to unintelligible prayers.  She's such a cute, pink mess.

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