Intimidating bunch, right?
For our next missions project the PINK team chose a work day doing yard work for an older lady in our community, Ms. Rossie. Micah turns one May 20th, Ms. Rossie ninety on May 28th. And she has just now decided to retire from the kitchen crew. And I think the only reason is because she can barely walk. But, as she informed me today, she doesn't need help walking, because she still can. It's so inpsiring to see ladies like her with so much spunk. Ms. Rossie has HUGE azalea bushes that the youth of FBC have been trimming for years. Somehow I missed these former yard trimming expeditions and managed to be initiated only today. We're talking an acre with lots of 10-12 foot azalea bushes needing to be "trimmed" to waist high. Jason brought a chainsaw. It nearly butchered the chainsaw...and the bushes. But, don't worry, as years past have shown, the bushes will revive and grow abundantly all over again. I have to admit, I haven't worked hard in the hot sun for hours since, well, probably my pregnancy with Ivory so I was pretty much dreading today. It was so much better then I expected. Sure, it was just as hot and exhausting as I anticipated, but it felt good to get outside and work hard. I remembered how much I enjoyed hard outdoor labor before having kids. Inspired me to come home, nap, and clean my house. Watchin someone as spunk as Ms. Rossie gave me a much needed kick in the rear to get some chores done...despite my exhaustion. Yes, I may be tired, but I can walk. I'm healthy. I'm strong. I'm very blessed. Blessed to work in my home and blessed to serve others in my church and community. Now, I may need a serious massage come tomorrow...
Oh, and can I just say I was super impressed with Kane and Travis' hard work (and, of course, my husband!). They had awesome attitudes, worked hard, demonstrated initiative, and were just overall fun to work with. Parents, you can be proud of these boys. Now, the rest of the 18+ members on the PINK are were???