Strawberry face excited about our trip to the donut shop. Yes, you guessed it, Pa's arrived.

They were out of "balls" (donut holes) so she settled for chocolate. That's my girl.

Giving Pa chocolate kisses.

Chocolate face.

Been wearing big girl panties for five days with only a few accidents!
Jason & I went to a youth conference in Orlando Monday & Tuesday while Grandma & Pa watched the kids. I missed them like CRAZY. Seriously, could barely make it without them. But, we enjoyed our time together and I'm glad we went. The first day was at the Hard Rock Cafe Conference center. More on this later.

Sending love through the phone for our babies.

We were so anxious to see our babies that when the conference let out earlier then we thought we headed home early to our sweet ones.

Ivory, Pa & I celebrated our return home with a trip to where else but the donut shop?

Grandma was sweet to send me pictures of my babies to help ease my heartache.

She was obviously so tore up about us leaving.

Ivory playing on her computer Pa gave her.

Okay, so terrible quality, but this gives you a glimpse of how much Grandma spoils Ivory. Yes, that would be lipstick all over her face. She has already put blue eyeshadow on grandma, mommy, and Micah.

My mom sent me this picture of a baby doll highchair I had as a little girl. So many good memories.

Another cake by my amazing sister-in-law.

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