Micah helped MikeMike drive us to the beach. So skilled (and yes the car is parked, of course!).
All that driving made him awfully hungry.
Micah & Ivory both enjoyed the playground.
Christina is one of those radiant prego mommas. She's so in love with her baby and so very excited to be pregnant.
Ivory always loves the beach, but especially when she comes with people who give her all the attention she could ever want.
Ivory wasn't the least bit phased by the FREEZING cold water.
What kid doesn't love shells?
Love me some Micah Man!
Chillin' with Bobo.
Micah was such a champ. He missed his morning nap and our trip extended into his afternoon nap. You'd never have known except for the occasional eye rub and laying his head on mommy. He was so happy and excited! Such a sweetie.
He wasn't super impressed with the hat. But, we practiced keeping it on at home, so he tolerated it at, as well as the sunglasses, when we were at the beach.
Chilin with Mom.
As of last Monday Micah says "Mamamama!" And it completely melts me.
This is where I spent most of the trip--chilled out. Did I mention how much I love going to the beach with this family, too? It's actually relaxing! Of course, I still went home and crashed, something about the beach always makes me tired!
Sisters! Love these gorgeous girls.
Sand fun!
So curious.
I love this girls fascination and exuberance about learning. Everything she does is with her whole heart. Most of the time, I love this. Sometimes it makes life really difficult. But I am grateful for this quality in her.
Buddies. Micah's eyes still light up every time he sees his MikeMike and he practically dives out of my arms to get to him.
Ivory's got her wrapped.
We finally had to say goodbye to the beach.
Micah snuggled right up as we headed to the car.
And Micah promptly passed out.
Having some fun together with the teens on Wednesday night. Yes, that's a basketball under my hoodie.
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