Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Mike Harrison for Sheriff

I haven't gone out of my way to endorse any candidates this year--except one.  Mike Harrison is a very qualified, godly man who is actively involved in our church.  He is a man of integrity and will serve our county well.  We are proud, as a family, to endorse Mike Harrison for Sheriff.  Because we believe he will work hard to protect our family with integrity and determination.

In the ministry that we do with teenagers we daily see the devestating effects of drug addictions.  We are watching teenagers whose parents were on drugs while pregnant with them, now addicted to drugs, and having babies while on these drugs.  2nd and 3rd generations of drug addicts.  It is extremely challenging to reach these teenagers with the gospel when their minds are being fried with drugs.

This also leads to greater violence and a downward spiral of hardships.  I believe that ultimately Jesus is the only answer for these individuals.  However, I believe it takes an entire community working for this cause.  This means there are consequences for actions. 

We have watched the drug usage and drug deals escalate during our time here rather then decrease.  While the crime rate in our surrounding counties has decreased ours has dramatically increased in the past year.  Yet, our arrest rate is down.  Gulf county, we have a problem.

It's time for new leadership.

We enjoyed some delicious boiled corn.

And some refreshing cold sodas.

We also enjoyed watching Mike Hagan share his positive message and show off his strength.

This little girl just loves my husband.  So sweet.

You can see in his eyes that our poor little man didn't feel his best.

Oh, Weston.

Strength feats.

One very attentive audience member.

The  moral of the story?  Vote MIKE HARRISON for Gulf County SHERIFF.

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