Nana + Grandaddy went on a long road trip + on their way home they squeezed in a visit with us. Unfortunately they're arrival overlapped with Ivory's movie theater birthday trip, but as explained before, it wasn't really something we wanted to reschedule...again. But the kids were over-the-top excited to come home and see them. The sugar + caffeine helped with the excessive displays of cuteness + silliness, especially seen in our crazy little Micah Man.

The next day was Nana's birthday so we celebrated by taking her to our favorite donut shop...which actually doesn't sell donuts anymore (feel free to mourn with us...though our cholesterol probably isn't mourning). They do, however, still sell some pastries + delicious breakfast + lunch meals. To our kids it will forever be "the donut shop." This was Nana's first visit and it was a hit (of course this didn't surprise us) right down to the homemade tomato gravy + biscuits. Good Southern home style cooking here, folks.

Ivory convinced everyone that a stop at the park was a good idea before heading home. The weather was surprisingly beautiful + sunshiney so we agreed.

When we got home Ivory unwrapped some birthday presents from Nana + Grandaddy. We especially love the hand colored wrapping paper from Anna + Ella. So fun!
A round of Pretty Pretty Princess anyone?

Trying out joint naps again...mildly successful.

Later that week went with Nana + Grandaddy to visit Nana's mother, Mamaw. While she didn't quite recognize most of us (she has Alzheimer's) she was still sweet and friendly and just loved seeing the kids. Love these sweet moments between Korban Stanley + his namesake, Mamaw Stanley.

Ivory *loved* playing with Nana's older sister, Kathleen. Aunt Kathleen became well educated in all things princess. Micah enjoyed playing cars with Grandaddy.

Squishy face hugs are best!
The kids did really well at Mamaw's--the princess bag + cars bag kept them rather entertained. That and lots of attention.
Love this sweet moment between Mamaw + Korban.

It's amazing how young the love of cars begins in these boys. Korban is already in complete awe of his older brother + joins him in playing cars, sound effects and all.

We went in the backyard to admire the flowers and run off some energy. Ivory immediately began picking every little microscopic wildflower she could see.

The kids have such great grandparents.
Our attempt at a picture of all three...

Korban promptly fell.
And Micah was rather unimpressed with the portrait session.
And this is the best we got.
Love my boys. A very accurate picture of most days...the boys holding my legs or under my feet.
The boys love their Grandaddy.
Love this picture--three generations of church goers. Not just church goers, but 3 generations of Christ followers. Grandaddy, Daddy, Ivory. And prayerfully Micah before long.

August is a great month for birthdays apparently...Happy birthday, Cassie! We love our Cassie.
We finished off the visit with a round of handmade gifts from the cousins. Lots and lots and lots of paper, coloring, and tape. So much tape. So cute. The kids had such fun--thank you Anna + Ella.

Goodbyes are never easy.

Thanks for coming, Nana + Grandaddy. We love you! see you again soon!
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