But, here's to update on life a few weeks back.
My parents came back in town--woo hoo! They came in town to celebrate Ivory's birthday (a little late, but that just prolongs the birthday fun). They also came a little late so they could watch the kiddos while Jason and I got away for my birthday.
Grandma + Pa bought a Cars book with him recorded reading it to Micah. As anyone who knows Micah can predict, he *loves* it. His love of Pa + Cars combined.

My birthday fell on a Friday this year. I woke to hand picked flowers, a triple chocolate cake (made by my sweetie!), and a card made by all three kids. So sweet!

While Grandma + Pa watched the kiddos Jason and I went to the Chaney's so Jason could meet sweet Olive. By then it was lunch time so we went for a lunch date at the donut shop.
Then we headed to the beach for some refreshing sunshine.

And a little bit of shopping.
Ice cream before dinner? Why not?
My husband is a ptient man. He watched me try on many may pairs of jeans. I finally purchased a pair. And then exchanged them the next week for two shirts and a sweater. Fickle.
We enjoyed our chance to stay out late...but being parents of three we couldn't stay awake past midnight. The next morning we slept in (such a treat!), met Jason's sister Melissa for breakfast (she was visiting on a quick stop before heading to Jacksonville. We went and visisted the kids and quickly packed Ivory's bag so she could go stay with Aunt Mel to visit Nana + Grandaddy for a few days.
After this we went kayaking together.

It was beautiful and so fun! I've canoed 13 miles before, but I had a paddle partner. This was my first 11 mile run on my own. My studly man took it all in stride, but this out of shape girl was exhausted after the trip. I'm glad I did, though. It was so fun. Except for the rain, but thankfully we found shelter and it didn't turn into a crazy thunderstorm.

It was a beautiful weekend and I'm so so grateful for those who made it possible.
A few days later I received a surprise package from my longtime, dear friend Danielle. She returned a ring I left there, sent an exotic postcard,
and a beautiful handmade bag made by women from other countries trying to get a new start. I. love. it.
Have I mentioned I love birthdays? All the texts, facebook notes, calls, presents--so fun. I have always loved the excitement of birthdays and I'm grateful for those who made this one special.
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