A smile!
I often have to stop Micah from following ZekeZeke's family home from church--he loves them.
The main highway we have to drive to get to pretty much any major store is undergoing construction at two intervals. That often equates to twenty minutes of waiting. Our 40 minute drive to Wal*Mart (the closest of major stores) has now often become 60. "Be joyful in all circumstances..."
Daddy's glasses randomly broke (beyond repair) so we took a quick trip to the mall to pick out a new pair. Keeping three kids happy while picking out new glasses and ordering them takes serious skills. One important element: keep all three strapped down in strollers/baby carriers. LeapPad helps, too. It's almost as entertaining as making the other customers laugh with silly faces.
Right now our church doesn't have nursery workers on Sundays. For a long time that has been a struggle for me. However I have come to be truly grateful that Korban and I have the Sunday School hour at home. He naps (which makes him happier for the church service) and I spend time quieting my heart to worship and then listen to a podcast sermon. I love this guaranteed hour of peace within my own home. This hour to sit and worship alone. While I look forward to joining a Sunday School class again one day, I'm content with this season God has me in right now. Please don't take this and turn it into a personal excuse to skip Sunday School if child care is available for you. Instead, I pray you find it as a challenge to rejoice in *whatever* circumstances or season you find yourself in right now.
Mom + Korban ready to head to church. I'm a sucker for a little guy in a bow tie.
Micah's obsession with cars continues.
These two are so very adorable together. Lots and lots of fights and tears, but the many smiles + times of laughter totally make up for it.
While waiting for them to arrive Ivory + Micah made friends with another grandpa at McDonald's. My kids are not lacking in the friendliness toward strangers department. Well, as long as Mom or Dad is present, they understand the safety rules. Especially Ivory who repeats them to me often. They would make amazing greeters.
We enjoyed our visit with Pa + Grandma--but it was too short. Ivory fell to pieces when we had to say goodbye.
A visit to our local park. We are blessed with two beautiful parks in our town. The huge shady oak trees, ponds, grass, and play equipment is great at both. They also have great walking paths for exercising.
Won't be long, buddy. Don't grow too fast!
Korban enjoyed his first sliding experience.
My kids love the park, but their absolute favorite is the water. The next trip should probably involve rubber boots so they can venture a little farther out.
He loves splashing in the water! We're working on not standing in the tub, though...
He loves snuggling a blanket when he goes to sleep. When we lay him down he heads straight to the blanket and wraps his little arm around it and fingers it. All of mine love their blankets, particularly crochet blankets.
Introducing daddy to pretty pretty princess:
It takes a real man to joyfully play pretty pretty princess with his little princess.
I've learned that when you're four the brighter the better and the "natural" look is just no fun. So when she asks for one pink eye and one purple eye the answer is, "Of course!" Clown cheeks? They're my specialty.
We've also been praying about this and working on Joshua 1:9: "Have I not commanded you be strong and courageous? Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." Praise God we have slowly seen her fear dissipating. God hears His children's cries.
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