Ivory wearing mommy's glasses:

Ivory's motor skills are improving greatly.

The phone pizza Ivory made for me. I especially like the bug addition. Yummy.
Korban love!

Play date with Addie!

What Ivory said was a flower mushroom.
We've been eating lots of Mexican food lately. Delish!

Korban is absolutely loving his new standing skills...and his climbing skills have improved. Daddy found him on the second level last week. Yikes!

This picture from our cousins Ella + Anna
cracked us up! Apparently they were getting their game faces on for a football game.
Love my little stairsteps.

My silly little Micah man.

Korban has become increasingly more challenging to entertain during church. Good thing he's so darn cute...and too bad even that is super distracting.

How Ivory would introduce Korban, "This is my brother Korban, he's an eating machine."
"He's zero."

"I love him and I'm going to marry him."

"And this is my brother Micah Man. He's two. He's whiny."

Ivory's pictures:
Little blue-eyed baby.

Ivory talked ALL day about the Kids inc. kick off with the BIG water slide, but when it came time...well, this is the best I could get for a picture. Don't worry, it got better and she did begin to actually enjoy herself.

Yummy homemade bread
in the oven!

Ivory + Micah playing with legos + cars. And good news in the paci department--Micah is only using it to sleep at nap times now instead of night + nap time. Woot!
My triple blondies.
Silly kids! Micah had to imitate every silly face that Ivory made....or at least try to...so cute.
Intresting mom quote:
Mommy + Korban...trying to stay happy during church...

Going to try out a new shaving cream recipe...will let you know how it goes.
Micah *loves* playing cars every day for hours.

Trying once more to teach Micah + Ivory to fall asleep in the same room...some days work better than others.

Enjoyed getting a picture of Michael looking all snuggly in bed. So cute.
Who wouldn't love this smile?!
Micah was *so* excited to receive a Cars package
in the mail from our friend Timothy!

And Timothy also sent us pictures from his backyard camp out. Fun!
One of our car convos:
Sunday evening church through Ivory's eyes

Our cousin Anna's first day of second grade:
Ivory took me to lunch on a girl's date with money she got for her birthday. So cute. So fun.
Fun bedtime book reading.

I was excited to meet baby Jude + see his parents Eric + Caroline last week. Yay for new babies!

And growing ones--love this little boy of mine. His little smile, growing laughter, and budding personality is such a joy.

I got some text messages from a woman in our church of my little boy. Love that so many church members enjoy our little man.
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