Brother David has been one of our biggest supporters, encouragers, and examples during our time at this church. I immediately thought of his sweet wife, family, and our pastor. Brother Mike has already preached a really difficult funeral the week before and attended another especilaly difficult funeral the day before. Brother David was a dear friend to our pastor and has stood by him through some extremely difficult times. He was a faithful servant deacon and strong leader in our community. We miss him so much already. But, as difficult as it is to say goodbye and as much as we miss him, it was a joy to be able to know he's no longer in pain and that he's rejoicing with Christ in heaven.
In church when Christina announced we were having our third child Brother David stood and applauded. I tear up every time I think about it. He was known to share often on testimony nights about how he was living miraculously. Every time he visited the doctor they were amazed he was still alive as he shouldn't be walking and talking with the condition of his heart. Really, every extra day we had with him was like bonus time. Brother David & Mrs. Geraldine are always giving thoughtful gifts and sharing encouraging words. Brother David often told me how much he loves that we have our children in church with us, crying, screaming and all. =)
Ivory loved visiting the Freemans so it was hard to explain to her what happened to Brother David. She didn't really understand, though, and was just excited to hear that he's happy with Jesus in heaven. She did make a card for "that lady who's sad" (his wife, Mrs. Geraldine) and has been asking to take it to her ever since. We will probably visit this week now that things have calmed down for her a little bit.
During Brother David's funeral I had the privilige of serving the family by watching his beautiful great-grandkids, Sophie & Olivia. Beautiful, sweet little girls! The kids had a great time playing together and it was good to finally meet the little girls theire great-grandparents were constantly talking about.

We played with play dough and colored in Ivory's classroom for a little while. Ivory told me a few times, "Mom, you're a good teacher!" I am quite the expert play dough flattener and ball former. It was apparently quite exciting to move from table to table during snack time in the nursery.

It's been a hard few weeks with the funerals and other sad, discouraging news of families hurting in our church and community. But, through it all God is more then faithful.
Thursday Jason took some teenagers to the beach after school. I decided to pack up the kids and meet him there for a quick trip. It has been GORGEOUS weather this week and this day was no exception. Micah played happily next to me in the sand and Ivory was fully entertained by Joni & Kaitlyn. I just sat on the sand playing with Micah, soaking up the sand, and enjoying some rest time. Heavenly. The teens went for ice cream afterwards so we decided to tag along for that, too. Micah & Ivory enjoyed their first ice cream cones. They've tasted ice cream before, but haven't enjoyed the thrill of a cone.

Ivory enjoyed hers, but I think it about tied with the french fries Joni shared with her. Micah chomped down like there was no tomorrow.

Gotta love sweet, messy, sticky kids!
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