Micah loves his Bobo + MikeMike.
Ivory with her Cassie. Love this picture of these two sweet, beautiful girls! Cassie has the most beautiful, joyous all-natural glow. She's truly one of the most joyful girls I know.
Micah enjoyed his pool deck time more then actual pool time.
Three amazing guys.
Three pretty awesome girls.
One of the jacuzzis was cool and perfect for relaxing and for the kids to play in--especially when the jets came on!
Micah very uncertain about being in the water.
Cheering up with a game of ball.
I sure love my boys! So far the boys in this family have the sweet, mild personality, so I'm hopeful with Korban.
I'm grateful for such a wonderful day in the sun with our family.
Since our pastor is on vaca Jason filled in for him this morning. I always miss our pastor when he's away, but I also love another opportunity to hear my sweetie expound on the Word. He did an amazing job this morning preaching on Genesis 11+12.
I've never heard someone preach the contrast of the city of Babel built by man and it's destruction and the nation of Israel (through Abraham) built by God and it's ultimate blessing of Christ. Really amazing.
Fear drove the people of Babel to build a city for themselves and their own name. Faith drove Abraham to birth a nation for God and His name. Really challenging me to look at what drives me, faith or fear? I want my faith in Christ to drive me for His glory, not fear that destroys.
Anyways, check out the two passages when you get a chance--pretty awesome.
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