Thank you, to my sweet friends & family for making my 25th birthday so special. Thanks for the ridiculously wonderful number of facebook posts.
Thanks, Debi for this heavenly gift ::
Thanks Mom B for my scentsy stuff--our house smells great ::
Thanks, Meme for my amazing funnel (and lotion!) ::
Thank you Timothy for my sweet birthday text ::

Thank you to my husband and children::
The small box contained money for me to go shopping with my sweetheart the following weekend.
The big box (decorated by my big girl) contained what I requested from my husband 4 months previously...I know--he remembered!! Way to go, sweetie!
When I opened it I told Ivory, "Now Mommy has her own coffee mug!" Now everytime she sees it she says, "Mommy's own coffee!" This was Jason's present last Christmas next to mine.
Jason took me to dinner the night of my birthday dinner. We ate dinner at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants and made an exciting diaper run to the Piggly Wiggly where we met a pirate friend.
The following Saturday we went shopping while MikeMike & Bobo watched the kids. We picked them up after nap time and headed to the beach together for a few beach hours at sunset. So. much. fun. Very special day. Thanks family. Thanks, God.
The finds I'm in love with ::
Love that this dress makes me look skinnier then I curently feel. But, good news on that front--I've lost approximately 5lbs! I've been diligently exercising and somewhat diligently counting calories. Only 5 more pounds of baby weight to lose then 10 pounds of pre-baby weight. Seems slightly more managable then the 15lbs of baby weight previously and 10lbs of pre-baby weight. And did I mention the dress is super comfy and nursing friendly? I'm all about me some comfort wear.
These shoes are some of the most comfortable dressy-casual sandals I've ever owned. LOVE. Totally should have used the buy one pair get one half off deal and got the black/brown ones in a similar style. Wasn't sure I'd like this pair, though--would hate to have two I don't like. But, it woudld totally have been worth the $10 for pair #2.I also found a black vest top thing and a red sparkle bracelet, but in classic Lee Ann fashion I changed my mind and took them back within a few days. I know my sister's laughing right about now, it's such a "me thing" to do...since oh, middle school?
Overall--fabulous birthday. And yes, for those of you thinking, isn't her birthday like in August--it is. I'm late. Life has been crazy, busy, insane...more on that later. Thanks to those who made this day extra special!
Thanks most of all to the beautiful woman who made it possible by choosing to give birth to a wide-eyed little girl my daddy dubbed "bright eyes" at birth over 25 years ago ::
And yes, I called to thank her for all her hard work then and for the past 25+ years. Mom, I love you--you're the best. And dad, I know it takes two, so thanks to you, too! Ya'll gave me the second best gift a girl could ever get--amazing parents. Debi presented me with the best when she told me about God's gift of Jesus over 20 years ago.
Aw, glad you had a happy birthday little Sis. I actually wasn't laughing, I was cringing, like I always did when we had to walk back to the department store to return the newly purchased items. You were good for me, Bits - taught me the art of being comfortable with myself.
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