Now begins the chronicling of baby #2 and his entrance into the world on May 20, 2010 at 1:31AM. For those interested, I will explain the story in detail. For those who can pass on the birth story, scroll through pictures for viewing pleasure. I'm mainly posting this for my own memory and that of my children. Those of you who know me well know I have a terrible memory, so writing this story is imperative for posterity's sake.
Monday, May 3rd :: First contractions. Started in Home Depot (Jason thought it would be great to tell people that looking at drill bits sent me into labor...). Lasted 4 hours. Irregular. Went to bed--stopped.
Wednesday, May 5th :: Went for my regular weekly OB check-up to hear I was 2cm dilated, 60-65% effaced and could go into labor at any time, though exact prediction was impossible. Met the new midwife (experienced, new to my office) & she said her & Susie (midwife for Ivory) might be available that wkd for delivery if anything happened since Tammy (the midwife who promised she'd deliver me if she was in town) was out of town.
Saturday, May 8th :: My parents brought their 5th Wheel up in preparation for Micah's arrival. My pastor's family had promised to watch Ivory when Micah made his big debut, at least until grandparents could arrive. Well, Brother Mike flew to Texas that week to be with his mom in her last days. The rest of the family was on standby to do the same. My parents graciously adjusted their schedule and made themselves available to our family.
Sunday-Wednesday :: Contractions on and off. Some fairly consistent, others not so much. What a tease.
Thursday, May 13th :: due date. OBGYN - same report. Scheduled induction two weeks out, 5AM,
Thursday, May 27th. Tears on the ride home--so ready. Pulled myself together. Started a new countdown. Gained a new, more positive outlook. Choosing to find the positive and praise God in spite of my anxiousness and impatience.
Friday - Tuesday :: contractions on and off. Not very much, though. Very low pelvic pressure. So many "signs" of readiness. No labor. Trying many of these methods. Drinking lots of rasberry leaf tea. So many walks. Sick & tired of hearing everyone's suggestions for how to induce labor. Tired of hearing, "You're still here?!" Jealous of any woman who gives birth. Trying to be happy for those due after me who went into labor before me.
Tuesday, May 18th :: miserable night. Worst yet. Hardly any sleep. Up every hour from pain. Dreaming about pain any time I could actually sleep.
Wednesday, May 19th :: Contractions for 3 hours in the early moring. Most painful yet. Then a sudden stop. Us girls (Mom, Ivory, & I) went to PC for some distraction. Gone all day, came home tired. Played cards with my mom. Started feeling a lot of pain in my back around dinner time. Nothing new. Back pain is my new friend. Got worse--felt like a rolling pain now. Finally acknowledged this pain as contractions around 8ish. 8:30 they were coming on stronger. Mom & I wrapped up the cards. Jason comes home from church. I wanted to go to bed, so tired. Decided to take a bath to ease the pain. Contractions coming on stronger--very painful. 10:30 Jason starts timing them at 3-5 mins apart. Lay down with J for a while in bed, try to relax through the contractions and rest. Handle this for about 20 mins or so. Finally can't lay down any longer. Get up, puke. Body purge. So much pain. Wondering when we should head to the hospital. Can't think very clearly. 11:15ish, text mom telling her we're heading to the hospital soon. J finishes packing up the car. Cold cloths. Exercise ball. So much pain. Can’t stop shaking—intense adrenaline coursing through my body. I wanted this? Really? Self-doubt. Can I do this? Encouragement from Jason. Scriptures pour into my mind. I can do this. I'm going to finally meet my baby soon! At least I hope it's soon...Calling & texting my labor support, Patty (gave birth naturally to 7 children).
Midnight :: head to the hospital, bucket & towels in tow. Jason drives more calmly with baby 2. Contractions closer & more intense. Still shaking. Moon looks gorgeous. Sky is pretty. Can I do this? More Scriptures coming to mind. Yes. Patty says she’ll shower and then meet us there. 40 minute drive to the hospital. Great parking at this time of morning. Barely get out of the car. Walk through the ER doors…wait, stop to puke. Grab an umbrella bag on the way in to use on the way up to Labor & Delivery. Struggle to walk. Arrive. Fill out paperwork. J fills it out for me, I can barely sign my name—shaking so much. Why so much paperwork? Isn’t that what pre-registration is for? Nurses are so nonchalant and almost disinterested.
Official check-in time: 12:45AM.
Finally head to triage. Monitoring contractions. Still shaking. Lots of questions--answered between contractions. Bring Jason in. Check me. 8 cm. I spontaneously declare, “hallelujah!” SO HAPPY. Everything changes. Suddenly the nurses are abuzz with activity and they head to call Tammy, my midwife.
Move me to a labor and delivery room. Already laying out everything to receive baby—what?! So different from the hours upon hours we waited with Ivory (15 hours of hard labor…water broke at 11pm, 1 hr later contractions started at 3 mins apart with, 1 min apart within an hour, stayed that way the rest of labor). Sit on the bed for Tammy to check things out. I ask her what happens if my water doesn’t break. No sooner has she answered me and put on her scrubs then it shoots all over her.
Within minutes I feel like pushing. Tammy says go ahead. Looking for Patty. She arrives. Jason speaking constant encouragement—so needed. Pushing hurts SO BAD. Did it really hurt this bad last time? Mrs. Melvin, “push 10 seconds this time—you can do it.” Tammy, “hold your legs up this way.” Nurse, “breathe out while pushing—will give more power to the push.” Appreciating the advice & encouragement so much. Tammy can see lots of hair! A few more pushes—you go this! Are you sure? I think, “They told me that for 2 hours with Ivory! No, this is different, it will be soon.” Ring of fire. Didn’t feel that last time! Episiotomy shot numbed me to this before. Man does it hurt! His darling little purple head! So much hair! Slow down on the pushes. Gentle pushes. He’s out!
His precious, tiny, little wail. I can finally see my boy! Wrapped a blanket around him and laid him on my chest. I nearly burst into tears of joy. Couldn’t stop telling him how happy I am and how much I love him. Overwhelming feelings of shock, joy, excitement. Surreal. I can’t believe he’s already here!
15 minutes of pushing. 45 minutes at the hospital pre-delivery. Fast. Wow. Good thing Patty didn’t arrive 8 minutes later—she’d have missed the birth!
Labor :: Approximately 5 hours. Hard labor: 3 hours. Pushing: 15 minutes.
Didn’t want to open his eyes…still doesn’t much. My sweet, sweet sleepy boy. Difficulties getting him to latch on and wake up long enough to nurse. Enjoying sweet baby snuggles. Could barely sleep—so happy. Slept 1 hour before morning. Too happy to care.
Ivory :: 7lbs 9oz 18.5in
Micah :: 7lbs 7oz 20in
Such a happy family
My amazing friend & labor support, Patty
My precious, precious bundle
Micah has the best daddy
Ready to move into our recovery room
Never even had time to unpack my labor outfit, or really anything else for that matter.
Nicole, our baby's first nurse
Grateful for a healthy little man
Typed this e-mail on my phone in the early morning hours following his birth:
O Lord, my heart swells in gratitude to You! You are my refuge & my fortress, my ever present help in trouble. Therefore, I have no need to fear.
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
My God is so big, so strong & so mighty there's nothing my God cannot do.
Though the sorrow may last for the night, His joy comes in the morning.
I am ready for this labor, just like I'm ready for the day Christ returns--no need to fear or worry.
Thank You, Lord for bringing these truths to mind just when I needed them before, during & after the labor process.
We are blessed with your mighty little man of God, Micah Allen Bennett. We entrust him to You and promise to train Him in Your ways--but oh do we need Your help as we do so!
We believe You have called him to be a bold, steadfast man of God like your prophet Micah in the Old Testament. We look with eager anticipation to see you fulfill this vision.
My heart is so full of excitement and gratitude I can hardly close my eyes to rest. But, my stomach cramps are residing, my two boys are asleep, I should probably join them for our last hour of peace while I can.
I love You, Lord. Your mercy overwhelms me. Your love is so rich and pure--I truly could sing of Your love forever!
6:52am, Thursday, May 20, 2010
Lee Ann Bennett
Joyful wife & mother of 2
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Balloons from my thoughtful husband.
1 comment:
Precious story, Bits! Thanks for sharing your beautiful heart. Now, here's to hoping my labor goes that well!
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