After church last Sunday Ivory and I headed south to see this cutie:

And his gorgeous momma:

We loved getting to see Carter & Debi! Just wish they lived closer. *sigh* Thanks to Grandma & Grandpa who made the visit possible.
Grandpa thoroughly enjoyed having his girls & their babies for a visit.

And his gorgeous momma:

We loved getting to see Carter & Debi! Just wish they lived closer. *sigh* Thanks to Grandma & Grandpa who made the visit possible.
Grandpa thoroughly enjoyed having his girls & their babies for a visit.
Ivory is still very much Pa’s girl when we visit. I could hardly pry her away from him. If he ever left the room she immediately searched for him and asked, “Doing? Pa? Go? Doing?” She even slept in (G)anma & Pa’s closet (huge walk-in) & went up for nap & nighttime without a single whimper. Pa would say, “Ivory, time to go to bed.” She’d stop what she was doing, grab her blanket & head on up the stairs. I could barely get a hug & kiss from the girl! Pa & Ivory would take turns reading bedtime stories & then she’d ask for bed. I was nervous how she’d handle being without mommy, but apparently no need to worry--she loved sleeping near Pa. As sad as it was to leave, and as much as I enjoyed the break, I have to say I’m a little glad we’re away from Pa so I don’t have to share all Ivory’s snuggles! I was beginning to go through Ivory withdrawal.
1 comment:
Missing you, baby sis. Loved all the time we got last week...even if it involved seeing 3 am. ;-) You're an amazing mom and I'm so proud being your sister. Wishing we lived closer, but very grateful for the memories made last week.
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