Saturday, November 28, 2009
Lies Young Women Believe
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
- Assortment of appetizers
- Smoked turkey breasts & gravy
- Dressing
- Glazed ham
- Mashed potatoes
- Sweet potato casserole
- Baked beans
- Corn
- Cranberries
- Cranberry sauce
- Jello mold
- Rolls
- Pumpkin pie & whip cream
- Peach cobbler & vanilla ice cream
- Sweet tea, pepsi, sparkling cider
I love Thanksgiving with my family! And tomorrow we get to do it all over again with my husband's family! Yay! I'm making maccaroni & cheese for this meal. Hope your day was as wonderful & blessed as ours!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Day 25
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Day 24

Monday, November 23, 2009
Day 23

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Day 21
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Day 19
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Day 18
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Day 17
Monday, November 16, 2009
Day 16
Praising God that Ivory and I are currently healthy! Praying for my sweet husband who is suffering with the stomach flu. Ivory and I have escaped to Mom & Dad's so we can avoid contamination. Praying it worked! It was soooo hard to leave my husband behind, but I have to look after my babies. I'm grateful to know that my pastor will look in on him in my absence. So, if you could say a quick prayer for him!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Day 15
Though at times I want to throw it through the window because, at times, it drives me crazy (as all machinery/techonology does), I'm really extremely grateful for my machine and my Mother-in-law who gave it to me. I love the old, simple, straight stitch machines. I also love experimenting with my Mom's fancy embroidery machine...not that I've actually had time to do that day...
I learned to sew on a machine like this:
For a long time I preferred it to my Mom's computerized machine with 101 fancy features. As fun as it was...I'm grateful that's not the machine I currently use. So thank you to the inventer of the sewing machine. Oh, and did I mention I despise hand sewing? So yes, double thanks to the inventor of the sewing machine!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Day 14
Friday, November 13, 2009
Day 13
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Day 12
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Day 11
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Day 10
I’m glad we’re only receiving a little rain & wind from dear Ida. The flooding in our backyard will make for some intense skimming for my husband & the teenagers. A perfect day for a hurricane party with the teenagers!
Ivory helping Mom prepare waffles for the guests. Don't worry teens, her feet are clean.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sewing Project Anyone?
Check out these great links to free patterns:
Now, if I can ever finish my entire box full (it is sorta a small box) of items to be completed then I'll allow myself to start a new project. I have to say, normally I can't stand to have things undone, but I don't really mind always having ongoing sewing projects. It's sort of like my book reading problems in high school/college where I would start 5 different books and read them concurrently...sort of. That's no longer an issue now, I simply don't read. Ha, not really, it's just a lot more difficult to find time. When reading a very intriguing novel I become absolutely consumed and all I want to do is read it to the complete neglect of my family, household, sleep, and all other responsibilities. For example, when Ivory was a newborn and still doing the constant-waking-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night-routine and in the take-forever-to-nurse-stage (it took me a while to catch on that she just liked using me as a pacifier) I decided to read a book while nursing. I decided that plan had to end when I started reading during one of the night feedings and wasted the ever-so-preciou 2 hour stretch of sleep I could get on a novel. So, I restrict myself to informative reading that does not consume me and save novels for very special occassions.
But, to those of you with no current sewing projects--be inspired!
Day 9
Let me just say that all those negative stigmas about working with youth--throw them out the window! I LOVE working with our teenagers! They are a blast! They continually amaze me with their maturity and passion for Christ. Here's just a few things our teenagers have been up to this past year:
- Praying every day at the high school before school starts. One student asks, "Why just pray once at year at See You At The Pole? Why not everyday?" Then he started the prayer group.
- Memorizing many large passages of Scripture and quoting them word perfectly.
- One student carries a notebook around with Scripture passages he finds challenging and constantly works on memorizing them.
- Church, Association, State, & National Bible Drill
- Summer Accountability/Bible study groups (boys were waking up before 7am--in the summer)
- Publicly confessing serious sin problems & asking for prayer & accountability
- Mission trip to Costa Rica
- Sacrificing sports & extracurricular activities to spend extra days in Bible & character studies were homework & tests are involved--and thriving
- Bold testimonies before the church & peers
- High school papers on: secular humanism in the public school system (9th grade), abortion, creation vs. evolution
- One girl who appears to have many reasons to justify anger toward at God instead has learned to weep for injustice & sin and turns her hurts into prayers & cries to God.
Check out this quote from one of my student's testimonies he'll be sharing next Sunday on how he faces persecution: "With these conversations [referring to tauntings & berating concerning his purity stance] I do not look to change the subject or ignore them. I look at it to share my relationship with Christ and why I make these sacrifices as well as share the benefits of this lifestyle. Thessalonians 1:5 says, 'And God will use this persecution to show His justice and to make you worthy of His Kingdom, for which you are suffering.' I feel if we didn't have persecution we wouldn't be as strong Christians as we are. So God has taught me to use persecution as an opportunity to share His Word and His name...When persecution comes again for me living for God I plan to step up for Him and share Christ's love. I hope to lead them to the throne and to be confident that Christ is with me and I am suffering for His kingdom." --10th grade
Next Sunday our students will lead the worship service with Bible Drills, Scripture quoting, ushering, greeting, and testimonies. I am stoked! We will be spending the entire weekend studying God's Word together and learning the books of the Bible. Pray for us. God is up to something huge in the lives of these young people!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Day 8
Day 7
Brother Mike headed to the hosital *early* in the morning while I was in labor with Ivory. He stayed for a while and prayed in the waiting room. He then left to go home for a while, but halfway home (we're talking a 45min drive here) he felt compelled by the Holy Spirit to return to the hospital. He came back and stayed outside my door and prayed. Here he is rewarded with some Ivory snuggles only hours after her birth--and now he receive plenty of her smiles & exuberant joy when she sees him coming or standing in the pulpit as she excitedly waves from the balcony each Sunday.