Mobile pix download from the latter half of April.
Ivory found it fun to drum on the table while waiting for our pediatrician to come in to see Micah's ear where we discovered that yes indeed it was infected. Ivory + Micah also thought it was fun to play hide-n-seek behind the exam table. Glad Korban could be so delightfully entertained.

After the visit we stopped at Target, dropped off our prescription + did a little shopping. Goldfish were on sale by quite a bit so we picked out like at least six different kinds. After arriving at home, attempting nap time, we headed to the church gym for some playtime.

While in the backyard we discovered a little bird who had fallen/been pushed out of her tree.

Love my boys.

Outdoor fun.

Ivory, "Will you take a picture of me and send it to Nana? She will say I'm so pretty!" She then proceeds to extend the list of who else should be texted the pictures.

Donut shop fun.

Ivory + Daddy went to a wedding. Before the wedding Daddy + Ivory had a little photo op.
Ivory showing his strong man elbow. He loves bumping elbows and saying "Strong man!"

Jason playing a superhero kinect game.
Clay the superhero.

John the superhero.

Stephen the superhero.
Sleeping babies + hand picked flowers = sweetness

Enjoying our new gifted swingset!

Slides are meant for sliding + climbing, right?

Climbing fun!

Micah + Mommy enjoying the swingset.

Daddy is our hero. He put together our set + screws in handles to help the kids climb better.

Still loving my new phone!
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