Once a year the children lead our church service. It's one of my favorite Sundays of the year. A reminder that children aren't only the future church, they are the church. The body of Christ is made up of Christians of all ages and all have something important to offer to God's Kingdom.
Here the girls are giving the announcements + leading us in prayer. Katie did an amazing job leading the singing...watch our Jason you might be soon replaced! I love this picture because here is just *half* of the preschool teachers it takes to get the kids on the stage and keep them there. So grateful for our wonderful preschool workers. Ivory did THE BEST job singing + signing that she's ever done. Her enthusiasm made this Momma awfully proud. Micah, well, he looked adorable. Standing. On his dot. Quiet obediently. With his finger in his little mouth. Not singing, but standing very cutely.
We have precious preschoolers. This poor little girl suffered a few light punches from Micah...sorry it's little boy languge for "I like you."
Mrs. Robin does an *incredible* job leading our children. I have never heard a more precious version of The Revelation song then I heard this children's choir sing on Sunday morning. The worship gave a slight glimpse of what heaven's worship will be like and made me long for it.
The children did announcements, quoted scriptures, shared testimonies (salvation + discipleship), sang songs, led singing, shared the gospel, played piano, took up offering, ran powerpoint and overall did an *amazing* job leading us to the throne in worship. I could sense the Spirit in our midst and was led to tears more then once. Love seeing the younger generation in our church leading us in worship.
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