Last Friday Jason's younger brother Matthew graduated from our alma mater, The Baptist College of Florida. Matt graduated with honors majoring in Biblical studies. Way to go, Uncle Matt! He also won a nice scholarship for Southwestern Seminary in Dallas, Texas which is where he'll be heading this fall.
Dr. Kinchen -- president of the Baptist College of Florida for 26 years.

Dr. Kinchen handing Uncle Matt his diploma.

One of Jason's college friends Eric also graduated with Matt. Way to go, Eric!

And all life's special milestones are best celebrated with a party! So, we hosted a graduation party for Matt at the Marianna Caverns. It was a small event for Matt's family and friends and a few of Jason's college friends who were in town for the graduation stopped by, too. We were so glad for everyone who could join us to celebrate Matt's big day.

We kept the food traditional...with a visit to KFC for chicken + the donut shop for the custom cake. Fried chicken, mac + cheese, potato salad, fruit salad, zucchini + squash casserole, gluten free chocolate chip cookies, gluten free peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, chips + cake--yum! I'm so grateful for Seana's help Thursday preparing all the food. You rock, girl!

The kids loved seeing Nana, Grandaddy, Aunt Mel + Uncle Matt.

Micah loved meeting new friends his size to run with + play.

Ivory enjoyed the girls her age for a little while, but she was mostly fascinated with "Uncle Matt's silly friends." "Mom, why are those boys so silly?" Well, they're sort of like teenagers. "Oh, okay." And then she couldn't get enough of them. Crazy girl.
The graduate.

Grandaddy + Korban Titus + Emily

All the fesitivities wore poor little Korban out.

"Feed me + lay me down please!" Excessive dirt = proof Micah had a blast

Miraculously this picture was super easy to take. These are the kids of some of Jason's college friends--we so enjoyed spending time with them.

Ivory, Korban, Maggie, Hannah, Micah, Titus.
Congrats, Uncle Matt--we're so proud!
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