Ivory demonstrating her enthusiasm for our beach trip.
But, we encountered the following instead of sunshine:
Oh well. We decided to make new plans. We headed back home, changed our attire and headed for the mall food court/play area. Micha fell asleep about 5 minutes before we arrived.
Mom stayed in the car to let him sleep a little longer while Ivory spent some time inside with daddy. Such a sweet, sweet little sleeper.
The kids enjoyed some fruit, chicken, and french fries.
We enjoyed some, yes, you guessed it, Chik-fil-a.
Guess everyone else had the same idea as us--the mall was PACKED. The kids loved it. They enjoyed people watching and playing in the play area.
Carefully watched by Mom & Dad.
Micah enjoying a few quick Daddy snuggles before running off to play some more.
Ivory practiced her jumping.
Micah hugged a whale.
And made a new friend...before his "tickling" grew into scratching...(no he wasn't intending to be vicious and his mommy quickly swooped him up while daddy comforted Micah).
On the ride home the kids enjoyed some of daddy's music.
We got home in town for a short nap then headed to a deacon fellowship in honor of Andrew & Jennifer who are, sadly, moving away. We're happy for the new opportunities that await them, but we will miss them and their families contiual, happy service so much.
The ladies all cooked up some delicious dishes.
And the kids enjoyed some sweet doting. Brother Travis is a softy for the babies.
Andrew & Jason. Man we're going to miss this family.
The weather has been so very rainy lately, but we needed the rain and I enjoy seeing how green everything is. But, I can't say I'd mind too much one dry, sunny day. The laundry would enjoy it. The kids would enjoy it. Until that day arrives we'll be grateful for the rain, dry indoors, and good family times despite the rainy weather.
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