Saturday, July 2, 2011

Night Out

Thursday night we were on our way to swim lessons with dark clouds looming overhead when I received the anticipated call of cancelation.  Well, what to do with our evening?  Although dinner was in the crock didn't smell THAT great...and it was mariachi band night at Pepper's...and we did have an out of town guest with you really need any more reasons than that to go to Pepper's?  So, we splurged and took a trip to our favorite Mexican restaraunt.

The kids were cuties in the car.  Ivory was too excited to sleep at nap time so fell asleep 5-10 mins before our arrival.  Micah laughed and played with Mommy in the backseat most of the ride.  So fun.

Can you see the complete fascination with the mariachi band?

They really are so fun!

Her look of complete awe.

Although she wasn't super happy that they didn't understand our request for the chicken dance song and instead sang I like to Eat Apples and Bananas instead.  Mom & Dad enjoyed this song, though--very fun.

This guy cracks me up the most, especially when he starts dancing.  Very expressive.

Unfortunately, swim lessons were also canceled Friday night.  Sooo, guess we'll be (fingers crossed) up and going again Tuesday?

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