Monday:: ran arounds ALL DAY with the lovely Aliya.

Aliya recently graduated and is leaving us for West Florida University. While I'm proud of her for graduating top of her class(!) and for going to a University, we will really miss her. I'm excited to see her find a church and grow and minister in a new place, though. I know God has big plans for this girl. All this to say I'm glad she was willing to go with me so we could snag some time together before she leaves and so I didn't have to brave the thunderstorms alone. It's nice to have someone else to get soaked with, right?
We got home just in time for swim lessons. Ivory's swimming skills grow like crazy each time! Micah, well, he's happy for about half of it...and then that's about as much as we get from him. The kids always eat so well after swim lessons and then fall asleep quickly for a good, long night of sleep. Score!
Tuesday:: Mom had a baby doctor's appointment (where I found out all my recent test results came out normal--Praise God!!!) so the kids enjoyed some time with Cassie, MikeMike & Bobo. I enjoyed one of my quickest appointments and even squeezed in a quick trip to Target where I found a few items for Ivory's 3rd birthday party coming up next month! Having tons of fun planning this--and Ivory's loving giving input and hearing about all the developments. So looking forward to seeing her face when she walks in to her party this year.
We spent the afternoon resting/napping and then headed for swim lessons again, halfway through our 8 lessons!
Wednesday:: Ivory spent the morning with Dad at the Post Office & the Church Office (two of her favorite places to go, especially with Daddy) while Mom prepared the house/lunch for our playdate with Addie & her lovely Mom. We enjoyed some play time, ate some sandwiches, hot dogs (for the kiddos), fresh fruit & chips then packed up and headed to Flip-Flop Frozen Yogurt Bar. Ivory loved picking her own yogurt & toppings and, of course, eating it. Micah enjoyed eating Mom's yogurt and when he finished that cup off moving on to sister's yogurt. Ivory graciously shared, as long as she could feed him. She actually did a really good job...except for that moment when she fed his nose. Wish I'd had my camera! Yes, I can't believe I forgot it again. The girls looked so cute and grown up sitting on a bench eating their yogurt together. Micah would walk around playing with the flower pinwheels coming back for yogurt bites often.
You know you've scored yourself a true friend when she's willing to not only deny all friendship when you want to do something crazy (of course, she might after seeing this posted on the internet)...but she even helps in picking up a laundry basket you spy on the side of the road. Thanks, Melissa, for making our drive-by that much faster (I was driving and it was on her side of the road) by jumping out to get the basket for me. When Ivory asked what we were doing I was sure to inform her I was doing the community a service by cleaning up their roads. Jason's response, "I could have bought you another laundry basket if you need one!" Buy one?! When there's a perfectly good one on the side of the road...just a little dirty (nothing some bleach won't take care of) and slightly cracked (but still very usable). It's all in the thrill of the find!

I have to say, it reminded me of the time my mom asked a neighbor if she could have a rejected small plastic horse (similar to the one below)

for my sister, Sherri. My sister and I were mortified. Especially when we had to walk ALL THE WAY HOME with it. Glad my kids aren't old enough to be mortified by their mother's actions...yet. Sorry, Mom. Glad you set such a great example for me. ;-) Wish I could show you what my sister, Sherri, did with the horse--she's incredibly talented and can see such potential in what others would overlook or discard.
We had swim lessons again with Cassie joining us again since daddy was busy with Wednesday night youth group. Ivory did fabulous, once more and Micah, well, he was fine as long as we were doing what he was comfortable with. =) Oh well, any water practice is good. Ivory's diving for things off the bottom of the pool & swimming almost by herself. So proud of our little dolphin. Oh, and we spied some horses on the back property by the pool where we're swimming and we had the chance to go visit with them after lessons! Tomorrow we plan to bring them some treats so they'll come even closer.
Thursday:: plan to stay at home all day doing household chores, soaking up kiddo time, and relaxing. Ready for a day at home. Then, of course, more swim lessons. For now, we'll enjoy the sound of the wind & rain outside.
Hope your week is a good one!
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