Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Last Minute Vaca: Day 3

Tuesday we headed Southeast looking for Palm trees, sunshine & sand. Turns out it was the warmest day of the week—perfect planning—thanks, God.

We stopped at Aunt Nancy’s house for lunch & some visiting—she hadn’t yet met our Carter boy.

Aunt Nancy is a childhood friend of my Mom’s. Aunt Nancy, her husband Monte, and her children Rachel & Michael are like family to us.

She & her husband graciously opened our house for lunch, dinner, naps & beach clean-up. Thanks, Aunt Nancy! After filling our babies up we headed to the beach!

We drove over under cloud cover & arrived just as the sun decided to come out from behind the clouds.

As Ivory walked toward the water she said, “happy, happy, happy, happy…” She wasn’t super fond of the ice cold water, though! We decided this visit was for strictly enjoying the sand & sunshine.

Carty’s first visit to the beach!

He found it to be delicious.

Ivory, on the other hand, couldn’t stand how “dirty” her hands were & constantly wanted me to help her get the sand off them.

Carter was perfectly content to eat sand—handfuls, and handfuls, and handfuls—Ivory preferred to scavenge through the cooler for tastier snacks.

Ivory is puzzled by Carty’s choice of snack.

Carter is such a happy boy!

It took all three (yes, Ivory helped, "No, no, no!" in a very concerned tone) of us to keep the pacifier in and the sand out.

Auntie love!

No more pictures please.

Gotta love sandy baby feet!

This happened within 2 minutes of getting in the car, but lasted all of 15 minutes:

When we arrived back at Aunt Nancy’s we kept the car running, carried the stuff in quietly & prepared beds. We tried to quietly lay Carter down in his play pen & Ivory on the bed next to him. Well, upon the first check I found Ivory stroking the cat with her foot as she lay exactly where Mommy told her to & Carter peering over the edge of his play pen as the two chatted to one another. We decided maybe baths would help calm them. Second try found them chatting it up for an hour as neither slept. It was too precious to stop. Oh well for naps—they slept great on the 2 hr ride home! We enjoyed a great pizza dinner with Uncle Monte (the man who loved me from birth even in my most unlovable phases!), Aunt Nancy, Melissa (a childhood friend) & her new husband. It was a fabulous visit that ended with a long drive, Starbucks & lots of sister chatter with sleeping babies in the backseat.


Debra Eby said...

Yeah, so every time we say Ivory's name to Carter (like, "Where's Ivory, Carter?") he starts squealing, getting all excited, Ben can't believe he recognizes her name so well. We do it just for fun to see his response.

Stephanie said...

Glad you had a great time at the beach! Sorry the weather was so cold... I'm ready for it to get warm again. :) Cute pics!