We enjoyed a date night (thank you, Cassie!) before Jason left for a missions trip he led to Nicaragua. He took 5 college age teens + 2 other adults and did some amazing things. More on that later.
We were super sad to see daddy go for a week and a half. =( But, this momma felt a ton more relieved when (after slight begging on my part...) my parents agreed to come to back up this momma.
Our first morning without daddy. =(

To ease us in we had a play date with our wonderful hostesses Melissa + Addie.

After our play date Ivory headed off for a girl's afternoon + night with Cassie, Meme, + Bobo while the boys + I welcomed Grandma + Pa!

I love that while daddy is about to leave the country he was sending pictures + videos he thought the kids would enjoy. =)

Some of the team taking off--for hlaf the team this was their first time flying. It was kind of pitiful, Jason took a video of himself talking on the plane. Every single time Micah saw it he thought it was face time and would start chatting away and showing daddy whatever he was holding. He always looked very confused when the movie ended. I finally had to stop playing it for him.

Melissa + Sabian are graciously sharing his amazing bouncer for Korban to enjoy. Mom needs all the help she can get these days with this crazy clingy boy of mine.

We enjoyed a donut date with Pa.

Ivory + her special doll from Pa.

On Tuesday we enjoyed a trip to Milk + Honey frozen yogurt. Yummy yogurt + 3D movie.

Ivory decorated the Jesus name and we took a picture. Well, Micah pointed to his drawing and babbled "Jesus, take a picture, Jesus, take a picture." Love it.

Afterwards we enjoyed a visit with the store's owners + our great friends. Love this family so much! Enjoyed talking about missions and life in general while the kids enjoyed playing with their toys + kids.

Ivory showing off her new cherry dress + white sweater from Grandma.
My mom + I went consignment shopping with Korban while Pa watched the oldest two. We came acorss this dream circle canopy crib. Beautiful.

Ivory + her new watch from her dollar store trip with Grandma.

Grandma is quite the woman, she allowed Ivory to paint her toe + finger nails. Impressive.
My parents gifted me with a girl's day/night with Cassie. Such a blast. So grateful for them + this sweet girl.
My little alfalfa.

Korban showing off his new skills. The morning daddy left while on our play date Korban decided to pull himself into a standing position for the first time. And he's been doing it constantly ever since. He also got a new tooth (for a total of 5) and said "more" verbally. Woo hoo, Korban!

Korban showing off those teeth!

On Friday we had a mall play date with Caroline + Charlotte. So fun!
It successfully wore us all out.

Korban enjoying the new walker (and our laundry) Grandma + I found.
My spunky little girl all ready to head to Grandma + Pa's house while brother is sad to stay home. He wanted to join her, but the timing just wasn't good for this trip. Ivory was excited to spend time with Grandma + Pa and see her cousins.

Oh was this momma sad to see Grandma leave. An extra set of loving arms to hold this clingy baby was oh so wonderful. That and I just really enjoy spending time with this lovely woman. And don't worry, that's not kool aid in Korban's bottle. He needs watered down prune juice to keep him regular since starting solids.
God knows how important it is to make babies so darn cute considering they wake us so super early in the morning and have no concept of the beauty of sleeping in after a late night or on the weekend.

While I'm not a fan of early morning wake-ups, we do enjoy some very sweet moments together in the early sunlight hours.

After Ivory left the boys and I enjoyed some rest time at the house and then we just needed to get out for a bit. So I went on a date with two of the cutest boys ever to our favorite Chik-fil-a. We also decided to do some dryer research since ours decided to die the day before.

Micah just *had* to sit on the "tractor" at Lowe's.

I've also been doing some paint color research for Jason's parent's house. Have I mentioned before I love to paint?

Micah watching Cars 2. We've watched this movie only about a ridiculous amount of times since dad has been gone. He now asks to watch, "Matuh" when he wants to watch Cars 2. Yes, he uses a British voice. Adorable.

Korban has needed an exorbitant amount of snuggles from Mommy snuggling baby.

Baby lashes--love them.

Church with baby these days is beyond exhausting.

It takes some creativity to survive...self-portraits + baby art + lots of moving/wrestling.

Ivory had a blast with her cousins Bella + Alex.
I had a good time playing with my boys.
Self-portrait fun!

While daddy was away our dryer broke. While I waited + prayed about it we practiced being green. After a week of no dryer + 3 kids + mutliple accidents/spills I decided I am not cut out for being THAT green.

We are enjoying some pears from our pear tree. Lots of pear sauce.

This tiny flower reminded me of my little girl. I missed my sweetie telling me, "Mom, you are my brightest girl. I just love you."

My sweet boy absolutely loves the outdoors + his swing.

Micah enjoyed some outside time + of course Mater joined us.

Birght + early Tuesday morning Addie's mom headed to the hospital to have baby Olive! Cassie came and watched boys while I waited for this sweet girl to wake up and come play at our house. We had such a fun day playing then I took Addie to meet her baby sister.

Sweet, sweet Olive Mae.

Bath fun!

I was grateful to receive picture texts while my little girl was away. Bella + Ivory the princesses.

Addie + Olive -- sisters first meeting.

Addie, daddy, Olive. Addie wore her big sister princess dress into Lowe's + Target after our hospital visit and turned lots of heads with those blonde curls, big blue eyes + her fancy gown.

Micah watching Cars 2...again. Addie modeling her princess socks.
This is one super excited woman--taken the night before Jason's return!

The next day Addie woke up asking to see her big sister. 3 kids 3 + under? Why not? Not like I haven't done it before! So off we went on an adventure. Micah was over the top excited about meeting Addie's baby sister. They didn't even want to stop for donuts they were too anxious to see Olive.
After seeing sweet Olive we headed to the mall for some smoothies + Chik fil a + play time.

Korban showing off his new skills.
They all took great naps after our morning adventure. When they woke up we enjoyed some quiet play time before Addie headed to VBS and us to youth group. And...daddy came home!!!!

Welcome home daddy! Ivory had this crown colored + ready for daddy's return.

Our last activity with Addie before she left. =(

We joined the youth for the first part of the service.

Then on Thursday Grandma + Pa brought our sweet Ivory home. She was SO happy to see her daddy---she *really* missed him this trip. Here he is showing her pictures of the little girls he gave her gifts to. Ivory sent two blankets, a bow, headband, card + pictures for some little Nicaraguan girls. Micah sent one of his hot wheels, a card + pictures for a little boy.

Ivory + king daddy--he's such a good daddy.

He was so so tired but didn't want to leave his kids.

We enjoyed seeing Grandma + Pa again even if the visit was too short.

On Friday we recieved our new dryer! Yay for free delivery, hook up + pick up from Lowe's!

And this explains why I haven't been posting...still trying to adjust from all the crazyness this summer has brought. It's amazing how long it takes to get back to a "normal" schedule. But, we're grateful for all our adventures + disruptions. But even more we're grateful that daddy is home again!
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