It was everything I hoped it would be. Lots of play time with the cousins, some one-on-one time with each of my kids, no cooking (hooray for a mom and sister who cook, take us out to eat + order in!), no chores, sleeping in while Pa woke up with the two oldest, a few naps, shopping with my sister + niece, girl slumber parties with my 15-year-old niece, a great church service, alone time, rest, good talks with my mom, exercise, a hot bath, hugs from my dad, basically a wonderful mix of getaways, low-stress kid time, and rest.
The only sad part, Jason couldn't come with us. But, it gave him some alone time that he enjoyed, even if he was missing us.
The kids were SO excited to find this cardboard playhouse when they arrived at Pa + Grandma's.

Micah loves "BeLLLa."
The beautiful Alexandra.

I love the progression here of Pa's lap:

Elmo + Indie singing the ABCs is still a hit with these kids.

Alex + Maddie competed against my sister Sherri + I for points. Fortunately Sherri + I were the camera queens and escaped without being photographed.

Micah enjoyed drumming along to the game.
When I came home I was overwhelmed by a *sparkling* clean home. As in Jason cleaned + a friend came and cleaned my home (like deep cleaning as in scrubbed walls, clean picture, clean blinds, scrubbed shower kind of clean). Jason put up new shelves and re-organized our back porch + shed as well as cleaned out a closet. Yes. I felt spoiled. People think I have it all together--well, don't be fooled, I totally rely on God's grace and am super blessed to have super sweet people in my life who spoil me + our family like crazy. I just desire that we, in turn, will be a blessing to others.
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